How To Calculate JUPEB Grading System

JUPEB Grading System

JUPEB Grading System

How To Calculate JUPEB Grading System

JUPEB Grading System: The pattern or way the JUPEB final exam is graded is quite simple to understand. We’ll be explaining with a table below how the JUPEB grading system works and the meaning of JUPEB points.

It will be important for you to know that your JUPEB points are determined by the level of performance you put in at your final JUPEB exam.

There is no doubt you must have heard that the JUPEB programme offers the opportunity for students to gain admission directly into 200L.

While that is true, it doesn’t mean that once you pay your school fees, you automatically gain admission into 200L. It doesn’t work that way. Your assessment is done by JUPEB final exam.

I used to know a girl that once told me that JUPEB is a scam. I asked her while she thought so. She said, “after all the money I spent, I was n0t admitted. And someone told me that I will surely be admitted when I do JUPEB programme.”

Anyway, I told her if anyone had scammed her, it’d be the person who told her that. JUPEB being one of the best ways to gain admission into Nigerian universities in recent times owing to its many advantages does not guarantee 100% admission.

Well, if you are a current student of JUPEB programme, you should know that the programme doesn’t translate or automatically mean you are a student at the school.

In fact, you must be aware that you will be expected to write the final exam which will be graded using the JUPEB grading scale.

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Don’t get confused about the JUPEB grading scale, what is meant because most students call it JUPEB points.

The JUPEB points are what determine if you will be admitted into 200L or not because there is a certain JUPEB point set by each school as the agreeable cut-off mark for each department.

For instance, if we take UNIBEN as a case study, if your JUPEB point is not 15, you cannot be given Medicine and surgery.

You must get up to 15 points before you can be admitted into medicine from the JUPEB programme.

Also, every university affiliated with the JUPEB programme has its set cut-off mark for different departments as well.

JUPEB Points Calculation

First of all, there are some basic things you need to know. As a JUPEB student, you are expected to enrol in just three core subjects.

Maybe you are in science class and want to be an engineer, you are expected to enrol on Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry only. It is from these three subjects that your JUPEB points are going to be calculated.

So you must take the three subjects studiously with a high level of tenacity if you must get good points.

Now, let’s follow up on the grading of the JUPEB points.

In fig 1.1; For a student that register for (3) subjects and have grades such as Physics (A); Chemistry (B); and Biology (C), the total number of points scored is calculated as follows:

Scores Grades Points
70% – 100% A 5 Points
60% – 69% B 4 Points
50% – 59% C 3 Points
45% – 49% D 2 Points
40% – 44% E 1 Point
39% and Below F 0 Point
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English is a general course in JUPEB, so is not included.

You can obviously see from the figure above shows that your grades in your subjects is what determines your points.

And your point is what determines if you will be admitted into 200L or not.

See the second table below:

Subject Grade
Physics A
Chemistry B
Biology C
Total 12 Points

fig 1.2

As you can see above, if someone should get an A in physics, a B in chemistry and a C in biology, such person would have gotten 12 points.

Likewise, getting all A’s will amount to 15 points.

So what is your target? What do you want to get? You have to consciously make that decision and work towards it.


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Choose to be a success in all that you do. Don’t entertain any negative vibe because everything is possible!

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