JUPEB WhatsApp Group Expo & Vital info to Note in 2023

JUPEB WhatsApp Group Expo & Other Vital info you need to Note in 2023

JUPEB WhatsApp Group Expo

JUPEB WhatsApp Group Expo

The JUPEB WhatsApp group Expo link is now available for all interested to join for all interested candidates as nobody is left behind on this, especially for all our VIP registered subscribers.

We are going to help you score high and also make sure you get admission once you work with us for this income JUPEB examination. We are going to send you the correct and verified JUPEB questions and answers a day or 5 hours before the exam time.

According to the JUPEB Timetable, the examination is slated to commence from Monday 13th September 2023 to September 24th September 2023. Receive the correct JUPEB Runz 2023, JUPEB Expo Answers 2023 midnight before your exam.

JUPEB A-Level Programme in Nigeria: A Level Programme is the short form of the Advance Level Programme which is a subject-based qualification Programme that can lead to university admission. They’re usually assessed by a series of examinations. A good result in A-Level Programme translates automatically to 200 Level admission into any Nigerian University.

JUPEB means Interim Joint Matriculation Board (JUPEB) is an Advanced Level (A’level) nine months federal government programme run and moderated by Ahmadu Bello University, ABU Zaria.

You guys know how we normally do it now, there is no need of telling you guys how legit we are because you guys already know we are the best and most reliable.

How to Join JUPEB WhatsApp Group Expo Link Online

Did you get that? We have been doing this Expo for years now. We did for the past JUPEB Alevel School exams.
If you browse through our website, you will agree with me that this service did not start today

Getting 12points isn’t as simple as what you think, but with our powerful stronged assistance, I assure you of 12points, Because We dropped the verified answers to all our subscribers NIGHT or 6hours before the exam starts…

You will also learn how the questions are being gotten and how you can utilize them for your examination.

Note that this post is not for those who don’t believe in the examination Expo. If you belong to the group, I urge you to close the tab and exit this page.

Joining a JUPEB WhatsApp group can be a great way to stay connected with fellow students and receive helpful tips and resources. Here’s what you need to know.

Use the link below and join our 2023 JUPEB expo WhatsApp group link

What is JUPEB?

JUPEB (Joint Universities Preliminary Examinations Board) is a national examination body in Nigeria that offers an alternative route for students who wish to gain admission into Nigerian universities. It was established in 2013 by a consortium of ten Nigerian universities, and it aims to provide students with the knowledge, skills, and qualifications they need to excel in their chosen degree programs.

JUPEB offers a one-year intensive program that prepares students for direct entry into 200 level in Nigerian universities. The program covers a range of subjects, including Mathematics, English Language, Sciences, and Social Sciences.

Also Read:  How to Edit or Upgrade Your JUPEB Result to a Higher Score

We believe, before trying JUPEB, you have written JAMB severally, please never allow what happened to you in JAMB, to preside over to JUPEB. Subscribe now and gain admission into the University of your choice.

Some Key Facts about JUPEB have over JAMB and other Programme

  • JUPEB – Joint Universities Preliminary Examinations Board is a nine-month Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria moderated Advanced Level (A’Level) programme
  • JUPEB is a federal government programme-approved programme.
  • JUPEB is certified by Nigerian University Commission (NUC).
  • The JUPEB result does not expire, unlike your JAMB which is only for a year.
  • You can use it over and over again
  • You can still be doing it and apply for JAMB if you want to kill two birds with a stone
  • You will have a higher PGD in your university as is going to be divided by 3years, not four years like others who used JAMB.
  • You have more advantages of being admitted unlike that used JAMB since JUPEB students are very fewer in ratio.

Points Being Given In JUPEB Exam

A = 5 courses/subjects
B = 4 points
C = 3 points
D = 2  points
E = 1 point
F = 0 point

For you to be considered as being passed in the JUPEB exam you must score a minimum of  5 points in total i.e EDD stands for (1+2+2) which is five (5) points.

Score in View

We Guarantee you the best, You are to give us the Point you are aiming for

What is a JUPEB WhatsApp Group?

A JUPEB WhatsApp group is a community of JUPEB students, alumni, and instructors who have come together to share information, resources, and advice about JUPEB exams and admission into universities. Members of these groups can share study materials, past questions, exam tips,

Joining a JUPEB WhatsApp group can be beneficial for students who want to stay up-to-date with the latest JUPEB news, connect with other students, and get help with their studies. However, like any online community, there are both pros and cons to joining a JUPEB WhatsApp group.

Available Subjects For JUPEB WhatsApp Group Expo Link

We offer all the subjects in these 2023 JUPEB runs, so all you have to do is to join our JUPEB expo WhatsApp group link and you are good to go.

There are eighteen subjects offered in JUPEB and are listed below:

  1. Accounting
  2. Arabic
  3. Biology
  4. Business Management
  5. Chemistry
  6. Christian Religious Studies
  7. Economics
  8. Geography
  9. Geology
  10. Government
  11. Hausa
  12. History
  13. Islamic Studies
  14. Literature in English
  15. Mathematics
  16. Physics
  17. Sociology
  18. Advanced Level Mathematics
  19. Ordinary Level English Language
  20. Ordinary Level Mathematics

List of JUPEB (JUPEB) Courses Available in JUPEB Program

PA – Public Administration
BAF – Banking and Finance
MKT – Marketing
MC – Mass Communication
URP – Urban and Regional Planning
POL SCI – Political Science
EVIL SCI – Environmental Science

List Of JUPEB Subject Combination For JUPEB Courses

(A). JUPEB Subject Combinations for Sciences:

  1. Medicine and Surgery: Biology, Physics and Chemistry.
  2. Agricultural Engineering: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.
  3. Computer Science: Mathematics, Physics and one of Biology, Chemistry, Agric Science, Economics and Geography.
  4. Biochemistry: Biology, Physics and Chemistry.
  5. Biological Sciences: Biology, Chemistry and Physics or Mathematics.
  6. Physics: Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry or Biology.
  7. Mathematics: Mathematics and any two of Physics, Chemistry, Economics, Biology and Agricultural Science.
  8. Chemistry: Chemistry and two of Physics, Biology and Mathematics.
  9. Nursing: Physics, Biology and Chemistry.
  10. Food, Science and Technology: Chemistry, Mathematics / Physics and Agric Science.
  11. Pharmacy: Biology, Physics and Chemistry.
  12. Industrial Chemistry: Chemistry, Mathematics and any of Physics/Biology/Agricultural Science.
  13. Fisheries: Chemistry, Biology/Agricultural Science and any other Science subject.
  14. Geology: Any three Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Biology and Geography.
  15. Geography: Geography and any two of Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Agricultural Science.
  16. Surveying and Geoinformatics: Physics, Mathematics, and any of Chemistry, Geography, Art, Biology and Economics.
  17. Statistics: Mathematics and any two of Physics, Chemistry, Biology
  18. Building: Physics, Mathematics, and any of Chemistry, Geography, Art, Biology and Economics.
  19. Microbiology: Biology, Chemistry and either Physics or Mathematics.
  20. Botany: Biology, Chemistry and any other Science subject.
  21. Zoology: Biology and any two of Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics.
    Pure and Applied
  22. Mathematics: Mathematics, Physics and Biology or Agric Science or Chemistry or Geography.
  23. Agriculture: Chemistry, Biology/Agriculture and any one of Physics and Mathematics.
  24. Agricultural Economics: Chemistry, Biology/ Agricultural Science and Mathematics.
  25. Agric-Extension: Chemistry, Biology/ Agricultural Science plus Mathematics or Physics.
  26. Agronomy: Chemistry, Biology or Agriculture and Physics or Mathematics.
  27. Animal Production and Science: Chemistry, Biology/Agric Science and Physics/Mathematics.
  28. Crop Production and Science: Chemistry, Biology/Agriculture and Mathematics or Physics.
  29. Soil Science: Chemistry, Biology or Agricultural Science plus Mathematics or Physics.
  30. Veterinary Science: Physics, Chemistry and Biology.
  31. Forestry: Chemistry, Biology or Agriculture and Physics or Mathematics.
  32. Civil Engineering: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.
  33. Chemical Engineering: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.
  34. Computer Engineering: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.
  35. Electrical Engineering: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.
  36. Electronics Engineering: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.
  37. Marine Engineering: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.
  38. Mechanical Engineering: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.
  39. Metallurgical and Materials Engineering: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.
  40. Petroleum and Gas Engineering: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.
  41. Systems Engineering: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.
  42. Structural Engineering: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.
  43. Production and Industrial Engineering: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.
  44. Architecture: Physics, Mathematics, and any of Chemistry, Geography, Art, Biology and Economics.
  45. Quantity Surveying: Physics, Mathematics, and any of Chemistry, Geography, Art, Biology and Economics.
  46. Urban and Regional Planning: Geography and one of Economics, Physics, Chemistry.
  47. Estate Management: Mathematics, Economics and one other subject.
  48. Anatomy: Mathematics, Biology and Chemistry or Physics.
  49. Dentistry: Chemistry, Biology and one Science subject.
  50. Medical Laboratory Science: Physics, Chemistry and Biology.
  51. Medical Rehabilitation: Physics, Chemistry and Biology.
  52. Physiology: Biology, Physics and Chemistry.
  53. Physiotherapy: Biology, Physics and Chemistry.
  54. Radiography: Biology, Physics and Chemistry.
  55. Veterinary Medicine: Biology, Physics and Chemistry.
Also Read:  JUPEB Exam Guidelines | Instructions & Penalties for 2023 Misconduct Examination

(B). JUPEB Subject Combinations for Social Sciences:

  1. Accountancy: Mathematics, Economics and any other Social Science subject.
  2. Business Administration: Mathematics, Economics and any other Social Science subject.
  3. Public Administration: Government, Economics and any other subject.
  4. Banking and Finance: Mathematics, one Social Science subject and any other subject.
  5. Economics: Mathematics, Economics and any of Government, History, Geography, Literature in English, French and CRK/IRK.
  6. Demography and Social Statistics: Mathematics, Economics/Geography and any other subject.
  7. Geography: Geography and two other Arts or Social Science subjects.
  8. Library Science: Any three Arts or Social Science subjects.
  9. Mass Communication: Any three from Arts or Social Science subjects.
  10. Sociology: Three Social Science or Arts subjects.
  11. Political Science: Government or History plus two other Social Science/Arts subjects.
  12. Philosophy: Government and any other two subjects.
  13. Psychology: Any three subjects from Arts or Social Science.
  14. Social Works: Mathematics, Economics/Geography and any other subject.
  15. Sociology and Anthropology: Three Social Science or Arts Subjects.
  16. Industrial Relations: Mathematics, Economics plus one other relevant subject.
  17. Human Resources Management: Economics, Government and any other relevant subjects.
  18. International Relations: Economics, Literature- in-English and Geography/Government/History.
  19. Business Management: Mathematics, Economics and one other subject.
  20. Cooperative and Rural Development: Mathematics, Economics plus one other subject.
  21. Tourism: Mathematics, Economics and any other subject.
  22. Marketing: Mathematics, Economics plus one other relevant Subject.
  23. Insurance: Mathematics, Economics and one other subject.

(C). JUPEB Subject Combinations for Arts:

  1. Arabic and Islamic Studies, Arabic and Two subjects from Arts and/or Socia Sciences.
  2. Christian Religious Studies: Two Arts subjects including Christian Religious Knowledge and any other subject.
  3. Fine and Applied Arts: Fine Art and two other Arts subjects or Social Science subject.
  4. Theatre Arts: Lit. in English and two other relevant subjects.
  5. Linguistics: Lit. in English, Two relevant Arts subjects.
  6. English and International Studies: Literature in English, Government or History or any other Arts subjects.
  7. French: French and any other two subjects from Arts and Social Sciences.
  8. English Language: Lit.-in-English, one other Art subject and another Arts or Social Science subject.
  9. Hausa: Hausa, Lit in English and any of Economics, Government, History and Arabic.
  10. History and International Studies: History/Government and any other two subjects from Arts & Social Science.
  11. Islamic Studies: Islamic Religious Studies plus two other Arts subjects.
  12. Igbo: Igbo and two subjects from Arts and Social Sciences.
  13. Mass Communication: Any three Arts and Social Science subjects.
  14. Music: Music, one other Art subject plus any other subject.
  15. Philosophy: Any three related subjects.
  16. Religious Studies: CRK/IRS and any two other subjects.
  17. Yoruba: Yoruba and two other subjects in Arts or Social Sciences.
  18. Anthropology: Any three of History, CRK/IRK, Geography, Economics, Literature in English and French.
  19. Criminology and Security Studies: English, Economics, Government, and any one of the following: History, Geography, Literature in English, Igbo, French, IRK, Hausa.
  20. Law: Literature, Economics and any other Art Subject.
  21. Civil Law: Any three Arts or Social Science subjects.
  22. Islamic / Sharia Law: Any three Arts or Social Science subjects including Arabic or Islamic Studies.
Also Read:  Accredited JUPEB Centres in Nigeria

Pros of Joining a JUPEB WhatsApp Group

  1. Access to Study Materials: JUPEB WhatsApp groups are a great resource for study materials. Students can share notes, past questions, and other study materials, which can help them prepare for their exams more effectively.
  2. Networking: Joining a JUPEB WhatsApp group allows students to connect with other students who are also preparing for the JUPEB exams. This can be beneficial for networking and making new friends.
  3. Get Help with Studies: If a student is struggling with a particular subject or topic, they can ask for help in the JUPEB WhatsApp group. Other students can offer assistance or provide resources to help the student improve their understanding.

Cons of Joining a JUPEB WhatsApp Group

  1. Distractions: JUPEB WhatsApp groups can be a distraction if students spend too much time chatting instead of studying. It’s important to strike a balance between socializing and studying.
  2. Misinformation: Not all information shared in JUPEB WhatsApp groups is accurate. Students should be careful about the information they receive and verify it before relying on it.
  3. Privacy Concerns: Joining a JUPEB WhatsApp group requires sharing personal information, such as phone numbers. Students should be careful about the information they share and who they share it with.

FAQs About JUPEB WhatsApp Groups

Q: How do I join a JUPEB WhatsApp group?

A: You can join a JUPEB WhatsApp group by searching online or asking other JUPEB students if they know of any groups. Once you find a group, you can request to join by sending a message to the group admin.

Q: What should I do if I receive inappropriate messages in a JUPEB WhatsApp group?

A: If you receive inappropriate messages in a JUPEB WhatsApp group, you should report it to the group admin. The admin can then take appropriate action, such as removing the offending member from the group.

Q: How can I avoid distractions in JUPEB WhatsApp groups?

A: To avoid distractions in JUPEB WhatsApp groups, set boundaries for yourself. Decide how much time you will spend on socializing versus studying and stick to it. You can also turn off notifications for the group when you need to focus on your studies.

Q: Can joining a JUPEB WhatsApp group guarantee success in the JUPEB exams?

A: Joining a JUPEB WhatsApp group can be helpful for studying and networking, but it is not a guarantee of success. Success in the JUPEB exams ultimately depends on a student’s individual efforts and dedication to their studies.


Joining a JUPEB WhatsApp group can be beneficial for students who want to connect with other JUPEB students, share study materials, and get help with their studies.

However, there are also potential drawbacks, such as distractions and misinformation. It’s important for students to strike a balance between socializing and studying and be cautious about the information they receive in these groups.

Ultimately, success in the JUPEB exams depends on a student’s individual efforts and dedication to their studies.

Overall, JUPEB WhatsApp groups can be a valuable resource for JUPEB students who want to succeed in their studies and prepare for direct entry into Nigerian universities.

Active JUPEB WhatsApp Group Expo Link for 2023/2024 Session Now Available, JUPEB WhatsApp Group Expo & Vital info to Note in 2023, JUPEB WhatsApp Group Expo & Vital info to Note in 2023

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