JUPEB Registration Form is is Out For 2023/2024 Academic Session

JUPEB Registration Form

JUPEB Registration Form

JUPEB Registration form – JUPEB Alevel Registration is pleased to announce to the general public are hereby informed that the Jupeb registration exercise for the 2023/2024 academic session now closes at Midnight on Friday 29th July 2023.

Prospective applicants are to apply to any of the available affiliate’s private study centres nationwide.

Check when is JUPEB form closing for the 2023/2024 session and when lectures are starting for the JUPEB 2023/2024 session you can also check when is JUPEB 2023/2024 exam starting. You can check the JUPEB calendar for more information

Interested candidates should be aware that there are two types of centres

  • Universities Centres (Directly approved by JUPEB Board
  • Affiliated private centres (they partner with universities to bring JUPEB closer to you where you write the final exam in the universities.
  • We register students at any of the centres. The registration fee for private centres is #15,000 and the registration fee for university centres is #25,000 to #45,000 depending on the university.
  • Awaiting results is not accepted for universities centres while it’s accepted in affiliated centres
  • Tuition fee for universities centres from 300k to 800k (without accommodation) while affiliated centres is from 260k to 350k with accommodation and textbooks
  • Please be sure of the centre you want before you make payment as we cannot change centre or refund registration after payment.
  • Begin your registration for 2023/2024 here, For consultation without registration for any A-level program like Cambridge, IJMB, JUPEB, NABTEB A Level, and Language test exams like TOEFL, IELTS, and Admission exams like SAT. GMAT. The fee is #2,000
  • Pay for your registration fee here at affiliated centres here, you will automatically be directed to where to fill the form after payment
  • Pay here to universities centres, you will be automatically redirected to where to submit the details. Here are the details you need.
  • See all universities centres their form is already out for the 2023/2024 session

OVERVIEW: Joint Universities Preliminary Examination Board (JUPEB), is an advanced level programme intended for students aspiring to secure admission into any Nigerian university without UTME through Direct Entry (DE).

The programme runs for a duration of nine(9) calendar months and is open to all interested applicants with various courses. During this period, students are exposed to intensive lectures from Monday to Friday every week at their respective JUPEB Affiliate Institution or Study Centre. JUPEB certificate is recognised and accepted for direct entry (DE) admission into any Nigerian federal, state or private universities and also abroad.

(STEP I – PRE-REGISTRATION) On the form displayed below, prospective applicants are to supply their valid preliminary details and click on ‘Proceed’.

(STEP II – MAKING PAYMENT) Thereafter, you will then be directed to a page with options to pay a non-refundable application fee of Fifteen Thousand, Two Hundred and Fifty Naira (₦15,250.00). Note that payments are made online through direct bank debit or debit cards.

(STEP III – PAYMENT VALIDATION) After a successful payment, applicants will then be redirected to the ➧PAYMENT VALIDATION page, to fill in every requested detail correctly to validate the payment. Once the payment has been validated, applicants will receive an SMS notification with their LOGIN PIN.

(STEP IV – COMPLETION OF REGISTRATION) After your payment has been validated, applicants are to click on ➧REGISTRATION FORM to access the registration form, complete the online registration, PRINT the application slip and proceed to their respective chosen study centre location for clearance and resumption on the date stated on their application printout. Documents that would be required during the registration process include;

  • Applicant biodata
  • Olevel subjects and grades (awaiting result is allowed)
  • Passport photograph (150 x 150px)
  • The functional e-mail address and telephone number(s).
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APPLICATION DEADLINE: Midnight on Friday 29th July 2023.

PLEASE NOTE, for information on studying fees kindly refer to our ➧JUPEB programme fees. To clear any doubt, read ➧JUPEB success stories from previously registered students.

JUPEB Pre-registration Form

NB: Do not submit the form when you are not willing to make the registration payment within 24hrs. Doing so, lead to outright disqualification. Thus, kindly check your details before you submit them.
By clicking the “SUBMIT & PROCEED TO PAY” button, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to the instructions, disclaimer and terms of service.

It’s very important for you to note that Funloaded is affiliated with ACCREDITED PRIVATE CENTRES that run IJMB & JUPEB A’Level programme and not UNIVERSITY CENTRES. The advantages of registering with PRIVATE CENTRES are:
  1. Private centres are not affected by the ASUU strike which implies that private centres are very much in session at the moment.
  2. Private centres are less expensive compared to what you’ll pay if you were to enrol in a university offering IJMB & JUPEB A’Level programme.
  3. Private centres are more dedicated to their students, unlike university centres where their dedication is mostly to the undergraduates rather than IJMB & JUPEB students.
  4. Enough time to receive lectures as private centres start their academic session earlier than university centres for which the final examination will be written at the same time.
  5. Private centres give you the opportunity to pay in instalments with a minimum of N120,000 (N20,000 for the acceptance fee and N100,000 as part payment for school fees) unlike most university centres where you’ll be paying much and you’re expected to pay all your fees at once)
  6. Private centres follow up on their student’s welfare up to admission just to ensure they are admitted into their preferred institutions.
Also Read:  JUPEB Igbo Language Questions and Answers 2023/2024 (Essay and Objectives)



Note that the Official website to register with us is www.ijmbcentres.com Registration done outside this website is at your own risk. Kindly save this page somewhere or bookmark this page for reference purposes rather than revisiting Google for a different result.



Update On JUPEB Registration Form 

JUPEB is an A’level program coordinated by Unilag and about 85 universities in Nigeria accept it (the majority in the Southern part of Nigeria) while IJMB is accepted mostly by the Northern part of Nigeria. The main university that does not accept JUPEB in Southern University is the University of Ibadan (the University of Ibadan only accepts Cambridge A’level into 200L.

We have two types of centres for JUPEB (University centres and Advanced study centres)

University centres are run by a specific university, 95% of university centres are still run outside the university campus, but of course, carry the university name.

Universities centres are run like public centres, of course, this does not mean cheaper fees.

We discuss entirely whether you should run programmes like IJMB, JUPEB, Cambridge A level at private centres or University centres – what is the differenceClick here to read

Of course, the admission process into the university of choice is still the same, whether you run it at private centres or at university centres.

While Advanced study centres are those who want to run it in a private centre and then use the result to gain admission after the programme into the university of their choice.

JUPEB registration fee is different from centre to centre (usually between 15,000 to 45000) and the tuition fee also is different from centres to centres (usually between #260,000 to #900,000) while you are registering for the JUPEB 2023/2024 academic session you will be able to see registration fee and tuition fee for each centre.

Again on the online registration for JUPEB, you will be asked which environment you want to run it (Advanced Studies Centre or University centre)

The Different Between the Two environments where you can JUPEB Program, If you select advanced study centres you will see the list of Advanced study centres, during the second stage, and if you select University centres, you will see all available centres for Universities.

Advanced studies centre you can use awaiting the result, pay on instalment maximum of 3 times and receive your admission letter immediately, while University centres awaiting result is not allowed, and you cannot pay on instalment and admission letter are not sent immediately as you will write entrance examination and your chosen course can be changed after the entrance exam or you might not be chosen at all if the admission list is out.

Advanced studies centres partner with some of the universities to make the centres closer to the people, meaning your examination will be written in one of the affiliated JUPEB universities( Advanced studies centres are not recognized by JUPEB.

Meaning in university centres admission letter is not automatic you can only get it after the entrance exam is successful and you are chosen.

Also Read:  JUPEB Practical Specimens for 2023/2024 Academic Session

At Advance study centres, your chosen centre will not be changed, your points will determine what course you want to study after the result is released. (JUPEB results are usually released around August every year)

Advanced studies centres partner with some of the affiliated JUPEB universities to run the programme to ease payment, travel and qualitative lectures.

At the JUPEB Alevel Registration portal ( we make it easy for every guardian to register in the same portal and chose their preferred study centre (while we take our registration commission) and distribute them to their chosen centre.
To start your registration for the JUPEB program to any available centres of your choice. Start Here

JUPEB Alevel Registration is a leading sole educational consultant helping candidates register for all their preferred A level programs including Cambridge Alevel, IJMB, JUPEB, NABTEB Alevel, and another foreign programme, like to any centres of their choice in Nigeria.

JUPEB universities centres are 90% without accommodation while Advanced study centres are mostly with accommodation which is optional. If you do not need accommodation, the accommodation fee will be removed

  1. Before you make payment. See that you are interested in available JUPEB centres today to avoid wasting your money.( https://jupebonline.com/registration-fees )

  2. Pay for your registration fee( https://flutterwave.com/pay/jupeb) for affiliated centres. For Universities centres. Click Here to make payment

  3. Fill out the form ( https://flutterwave.com/pay/jupeb-consultation )

  4. Confirm your email by clicking on the verification link sent to your email address.

  5. When you click on the confirmation link on your email inbox, you will be redirected to the page where you will select your centre and method of payment

  6. Do that (select your preferred study centre and method of payment, if you have paid select any other method except Online payment if you have not paid, select Online payment to pay with your ATM card via paystack)

  7. Then we will confirm your payment by activating your portal( for quick resolving, upload your payment evidence, screenshot, and teller, are all accepted)

  8. After that you will be redirected to fill out the parent/guardian form

  9. Then you will receive your admission letter in your email which will also be available on your IJMB portal to be downloaded and viewed anytime.

  10. Then within 2 weeks, pay your acceptance

  11. Then resume to your centre as to the date stated on your admission letter or entrance exam slip or to the communication on your email.

  12. When resuming bring along at least 50% of your centre fee

Important Links For JUPEB Registration Form

  1. The registration fee is not refundable. Read full details at the JUPEB registration form instruction
  2. Check the JUPEB closing date for registration
  3. Need more details? Read JUPEB admission into 200L is not automatic
  4. Read all about the JUPEB program in Nigeria
  6. Click here to Pay Online Before You Start Filling The Form Here  (#15,000) For Advanced Studies Centres or #25,000 for University Centres Here

Conclusion On JUPEB Registration Form 

Pay #2,000 consultation to be able to ask us ANY question related to JUPEB and other Alevels programs. If you have paid #2,000 before you make payment for the registration fee, you will be paying #23,000 instead of the #25,000 for JUPEB universities centres and for affiliated private centres, you pay#13,000 instead of the #15,000.

Let us Register you to your choice JUPEB University centre. Pay Here.  Pay For a private Centre Here. Still, Want us to send instructions on how to register via WhatsApp Without Paying the Consultation Fee First? Message Us WhatsApp Here, We will send you Instructions. Submit Your Details here after payment.

Note: Be sure you want to register for a particular JUPEB centre before making payment because there is no refund whatsoever that can be made afterwards.

KEYWORDS: JUPEB Registration Form, JUPEB Registration Form, JUPEB Registration Form, JUPEB Registration Form, JUPEB Registration Form, JUPEB Registration Form.

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