WAEC Recommended Textbooks For All Subjects 2023 (+PDF)

WAEC Recommended Textbooks

WAEC Recommended Textbooks

What are the recommended textbooks to read for Senior Secondary School inclusive of WAEC/NECO and pass? If this is your question, then you are reading the right article.

In this article, I will provide the list of recommended textbooks for SSCE

Here is a list of Recommended Textbooks for the Senior Secondary School 2022/2023 Academic Session

Recommended Textbook for Mathematics

  1. Comprehensive Mathematics for Senior Secondary Schools
  2. New General Mathematics for Senior Secondary Schools

Recommended Textbook for English Language

  1. MacMillan Brilliant English for Senior Secondary Schools
  2. Exam Focus English for WASSCE & SSCE
  3. Essential English by Ibitola A. O
  4. Hard Cover Note Book

Recommended Textbook for Economics/Commerce

  1. Recommended Textbook for Economics
  2. Essential Economics for Senior Secondary Schools by O.A. Longe
  3. Economics for College by J.O Abedi
  4. Essential Commerce for Senior Secondary Schools by 0. A. Longe

Recommended Textbook for Civic Education

  1. Basic Civic Education for Senior Secondary School. Book 1, 2 & 3 by Ukegbu et el.

Recommended Textbook for Biology

  1. College Biology by Idodo Umeh
  2. Practical Biology by Ambuno Sunday

Recommended Textbook for Agricultural Science

  1. Prescribed Agricultural Science by S.A. Omoruyi et. Al.
  2. Practical Agricultural Science by Nneka.
Also Read:  WAEC Health Science Practical Expo 2021, WAEC May/June Health Science Practical Runs 2021/2022, WAEC Health Science Questions and Answers

Recommended Textbook for Chemistry

  1. Essential Chemistry by I. A. Odesina
  2. Practical Chemistry by J. 0. Mordi

Recommended Textbook for Physics

  1. New School Physics for Senior Secondary Schools by M. W. Anyakoha
  2. Calculation in Physics for Senior Secondary Schools by M. W. Anyakoha & P: N. Okeke

Recommended Textbook for Financial Accounting

  1. Essential Financial Accounting by O.A Longe & R.A. Kazeem.
  2. Comprehensive Financial Accounting
  3. Management/Business Accounting by Frank Wood.

Recommended Textbook for Government

  1. Essential Government by C.C. Dibie
  2. Government Simplified by O.A. Ubaka

Recommended Textbook for Christian Religious Studies

  1. Essential Christian Religious Studies by 0. A. Longe & R.A. Kazeem
  2. Revised Standard Version (Bible)

Recommended Textbook for Literature

  1. Exam Focus Literature (2021 – 2025) COMPULSORY
  2. Unexpected Joy at Dawn by Alex Agyei-Agyiri (2018 Edition)
  3.  Invisible man by Ralph Ellision
  4. Wuthcring Heights by Emily Bronte
  5. A midsummer Night’s Dream
  6. The Lion and the Jewel by Wole Soyinka
  7. Look Back in Anger by John Osborne
  8. Fences by August Wilson
  9. Journey of the Magi by T.S. Eliot

Others Interested English Text Book to Aid reading:

  1. Mistakes in English Expression by Votu Alfred Vhoven.
  2. Books on Synonyms and Antonyms by Votu Alfred Vhoven.
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