JAMB Part-Time Application Form and Guidelines 2023

JAMB Part-Time Application Form

JAMB Part-Time Application Form

JAMB has made it compulsory for candidates who wish to apply for any Part-Time, Sandwich and Distance Learning Programmes in Nigerian Universities (Uni), Polytechnics (Poly), Monothecnics, College of Education (CoE) and Innovative Enterprise Institutes (IEPI’s) to first register online via the JAMB e-Facility portal before proceeding to purchase their respective institutions’ forms.

In that regard, JAMB has released the following guidelines for Part-time, Sandwich, and Distance Learning Admission;

JAMB Part-Time Admission Guidelines

  • Candidates for Distance Learning, Part Time and other related modes of study will apply through JAMB before approaching their preferred institutions to process their admission with JAMB Registration number. JAMB Application Fees for this category of candidates would be three thousand five hundred naira (N3,500) only. All categories of candidates should be processed to JAMB through CAPS.
  •  Distance Learning, Part-Time and Sandwich candidates need not sit for UTME but sitting for it does not disqualify them. This category of candidates would pay to their preferred institutions a Processing Fee that would be determined by the Institutions.
  •  The Application Forms presently being completed at the Institutions should be changed to Part Time/Distance Learning Processing Form to avoid confusion.

So if you intend to purchase the part-time or Distance Learning form of any school, you are to register the admission first with the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB).

How To Apply For Part-time Admission On JAMB’s Website

  • Prospective Part-Time, Sandwich and Distance Learning candidates are advised to visit the JAMB e-Facility portal via https://www.jamb.org.ng/eFacility./Login
  • If you do not have an account or login details, you will have to create one
  • Login to Your Account
  • Click on the Part-Time Registration Link (Part-Time Students)
  • Proceed to make a payment of Three Thousand Five Hundred Naira (N3,500) only via Remita.
  • After Successful Payment, Go back to fill, submit the registration form online.
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  • This service can be carried out by individual candidates or at any of the JAMB Accredited CBT Centers or any Cybercafes to help you out with the registration.
  • You shall not be considered for admission into any institution of your choice without the above registration.
  • Candidates sat for UTME or Direct Entry Examination but wish to apply for any of the institution Part-Time or Distance Learning programmes do not need to request for new JAMB REG number during online registration. Kindly supply your previous REG Number and proceed with the registration.
  • After Successful payment and registration on the JAMB Portal you are to proceed to your institution of choice website to purchase their own Part-Time, Sandwich or Distance Learning admission forms.
  • Make sure to Upload your O’level results on the JAMB CAPS Portal as admission to any of the Part-Time or Distance Learning programmes will be through the Central Admission Processing System (CAPS)
  • Part-Time, Sandwich or Distance Learning Candidates will not Sit for any UTME Examination conducted by JAMB but only from their respective institution.
  • This policy directive is without prejudice to the processing fees being charged directly by Tertiary Institutions for the different part-time programmes.

Deadline/Closing Date

Academic Sessions are from 1st August to 31st July of each year. Therefore, the date of admission determines the session in which a candidate is admitted.

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