IJMB Past Questions & Answers 2023 (Download PDF)

IJMB Past Questions

IJMB Past Questions

The Interim Joint Matriculation Board (IJMB) is an advanced level examination that allows successful candidates to gain admission into 200 level of any Nigerian university. The exam is designed to provide an alternative to the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) and is widely accepted by Nigerian universities.

The IJMB exam comprises three main subjects in the science, social sciences, and arts/humanities disciplines. Each subject has three papers, and candidates are required to sit for all nine papers. The exam is known for its rigor, and many candidates opt to prepare for the exams by studying IJMB past questions.

IJMB Past Questions PDF: We are working hard to make IJMB (IJMB) past questions available for candidates who request for it. While it is not our mandate to give students these materials, we want to do our part to help IJMB applicants be more comfortable before examinations by seeing the types of questions and mode of how the exams are being set.

IJMB Past Questions PDF

IJMB Past Questions PDF

IJMB past questions and answers can help you ace the IJMB program and get direct entry into the university of your choice. With our collection of past questions, you can study for your exams quickly and efficiently, and boost your chances of success. So why wait? Download our IJMB past questions today and start your journey to academic excellence.

Being successful on any exam requires preparation and forethought. In order to do your best, you need to have a copy of the Ijmb Past Questions. This will help you understand how the exam is patterned and what you need to do to download or get it.

How to Download IJMB Past Questions

To request for IJMB past question, it is actually free, just tell us the subjects you want by emailing a request email for IJMB past questions on support@funloaded.org.ng and within 24 hours, we should send the request past questions in PDF format for you to start studying (only apply if you have registered for IJMB) Do not forget we have IJMB syllabus, in case you need it to review what you have been taught so far relating to your IJMB subjects combination.

Registering for IJMB at our various centres is straightforward, please visit IJMB registration and you also see IJMB-affiliated universities where you can use your IJMB result

IJMB Past Question Sample

IJMB Past Question Sample

IJMB Past Question Sample

IJMB Past Questions for Accounting

IJMB Past Questions for Biology

IJMB Past Questions for Business Management

IJMB Past Questions for Chemistry

IJMB Past Questions for CRS

IJMB Past Questions for Economics

IJMB Past Questions for Government

IJMB Past Questions for IRS

IJMB Past Questions for Literature

IJMB Past Questions for Mathematics

IJMB Past Questions for Physics

Pros of Downloading IJMB Past Questions

  1. Familiarity with Exam Pattern and Question Types

Studying IJMB past questions provides candidates with a better understanding of the exam pattern and the types of questions that may appear in the upcoming exams. This familiarity helps to boost confidence and reduces anxiety during the actual exam.

  1. Improved Time Management Skills

IJMB past questions often come with time limits, which simulate the actual exam conditions. Practicing with these past questions helps candidates to improve their time management skills and answer questions within the allotted time frame.

  1. Enhanced Knowledge Retention

Studying IJMB past questions helps candidates to retain the information they have learned better. This is because they are actively engaging with the information as they answer the questions and are more likely to remember it during the actual exam.

Cons of Downloading IJMB Past Questions

  1. Limited Access to Current Exam Questions

While studying IJMB past questions is helpful, it is important to note that past questions may not be an accurate reflection of the current exam questions. The IJMB board may change the exam pattern or question types, making past questions obsolete.

  1. Overdependence on Past Questions

Studying IJMB past questions should be used as a supplementary tool and not the sole means of preparation. Candidates who rely solely on past questions may miss out on important exam topics that are not covered in the past questions.

  1. Quality of Past Questions

Not all IJMB past questions available for download are of high quality. Some may be outdated or contain errors. It is important to identify a reliable source of past questions to ensure that you are studying accurate and up-to-date information.


Studying IJMB past questions can be a valuable tool for candidates preparing for the IJMB exams. It helps to improve familiarity with exam patterns and question types, enhances time management skills, and improves knowledge retention.

However, it is important to note that past questions should not be the sole means of preparation, and candidates should also study current materials and topics. Additionally, it is crucial to identify a reliable source of past questions to ensure accuracy and avoid outdated or low-quality materials.

By following the step-by-step guide outlined in this article, candidates can easily access and download IJMB past questions from reputable websites such as EduPadi.com. Studying these past questions can give candidates a better understanding of the exam and improve their chances of success.


Q: What is IJMB?

A: IJMB stands for Interim Joint Matriculation Board. It is an advanced level examination that allows successful candidates to gain admission into 200 level of any Nigerian university.

Q: Why should I download IJMB past questions?

A: Studying IJMB past questions helps to improve familiarity with the exam pattern and question types, enhances time management skills, and improves knowledge retention.

Q: Where can I download IJMB past questions?

A: Several websites offer IJMB past questions for download, but it is important to identify a reliable and trustworthy source. One such website is EduPadi.com.

Q: Are past questions an accurate reflection of the current exam questions?

A: It is important to note that past questions may not be an accurate reflection of the current exam questions. The IJMB board may change the exam pattern or question types, making past questions obsolete.

Q: Should I rely solely on past questions for exam preparation?

A: No, studying IJMB past questions should be used as a supplementary tool and not the sole means of preparation. Candidates who rely solely on past questions may miss out on important exam topics that are not covered in the past questions.

Q: How can I ensure the quality of past questions?

A: It is important to identify a reliable source of past questions to ensure that you are studying accurate and up-to-date information.

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