How To Check JAMB Admission Status 2023/2024 JAMB portal

JAMB Admission Status

JAMB Admission Status

Congratulations on your impressive JAMB result, we are glad you are one of the candidates who scaled through to the next round of the admission process.

Having seen your great jamb/UTME result, the next stage of the admission process is to check your JAMB Admission status.

You don’t know how to do it? Don’t worry. This article will show you all the things you need and steps to take to check your admission status. Kindly pay attention while we hit the ground running.

How Do I Know If I Have Been Given Admission

The four ways to know if you have been given admission includes school SMS notification, school email notification, School website, and JAMB CAPS. Let’s discuss these options one after the other.

School SMS Notification

Nigerian institutions always send a congratulatory message to students who recently gained admission into their schools.

They will send a text message to the phone number you used while registering for the school’s post-utme examination. This is why you must provide an accessible phone number during this admission phase.

School Email Notifications

The admission committee will send you a mail regarding your admission status. They will congratulate you via your email address if you have been offered admission to study the course of your choice.

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Therefore, endeavour to provide an accessible email address when dealing with any school-related issues or affairs. We also advise you to keep a close tab on your inbox and spam section so you won’t miss any message from your preferred institution.

School Admission Portal

Every Nigerian tertiary institution has a unique website containing the school’s information, events, news and updates. The website also contains admission-related posts.

Hence, visit the school portal and go to the admission page for the latest admission updates.


JAMB CAPS is a platform where you can view your admission status without any problem. Read on to discover how to check your admission via the JAMB CAPS platform.

How To Check JAMB Admission Status

Below is a step-by-step guideline to check your admission status through the jamb portal:

  • Visit
  • Switch to desktop mode if you are browsing with your phone. Click the three dots at the top right corner of your Chrome browser. Tick the desktop box.
  • Login to your profile with your jamb email and password.
  • Navigate through the page till you see the “check admission status” tab. Click it to continue.
  • Select your exam year and type in your jamb registration number in the appropriate column.
  • Click on the “check admission status” button to view your admission. Note that JAMB always publishes the list in batches; therefore ensure you try later if you haven’t been offered admission yet.

How To Check School Admission Status on School Portal

Here is how to check the admission status on the school portal

  • Visit the preferred school’s official website
  • Click the menu on the homepage
  • Follow on-screen guidelines
  • Provide your jamb registration number where and when needed
  • Check if the school has offered you admission

What to do if you are offered admission

You must accept your offer once you have been offered admission to avoid losing the slot to another applicant.

Also Read:  JAMB's warning to Candidates and Institutions on using CAPS - Important

How To Accept JAMB Admission

  • Check your admission status by following the step discussed earlier.
  • Scroll down the page, and you will see the option to accept or reject the admission if you’ve been offered admission.
  • Click on the “accept admission” tab to accept your admission on the jamb portal.

What to do if you are not pleased with the course you are given

There are various steps to take if you are not pleased with the course you got from JAMB. These include:

1. Rejecting the admission
You can reject the admission, but it is not advisable because you will have to wait for another year.

Don’t take this step unless you are willing to stay at home for one more year. You must be ready to sit for another UTME Exam, or willing to go through the admission process all over again before taking this step.

2. Accepting the course and develop an interest later:
You can accept the course and develop interest as time goes on. This is better than rejecting the admission because you will eventually come to love the course.

3. Accept the admission and change your course after one year:
Some Nigerian institutions allow students to change their course after one year of study. Universities that permit change of course in Nigeria include the University of Ilorin (UNILORIN), Federal University of Technology Akure (FUTA), The Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta (FUNAAB), Ladoke Akintola University, Ogbomoso (LAUTECH), University of Osun State (UNIOSUN), University of Nigeria, Nssuka, Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU), University of Lagos (UNILAG), Lagos State University (LASU), and University of Ibadan (UI).

Unfortunately, changing from one course to another takes time and energy. The worst part is that the school might turn down your request.

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You must know that you can only change courses within a faculty. You can’t change from one faculty to another. Meanwhile, here is a detailed article on how to change your course in Nigeria’s institution.

After Accepting My School Admission What Next?

Congratulations if you have been offered admission into the university of your choice. However, that isn’t the end of the road. The admission process continues and you are expected to take the following steps:

  • Pay a compulsory acceptance fee to prevent losing admission to someone else
  • Know how much to pay as school fees. You should pay school fees and acceptance fees at once so the school will officially add your details to their students’ database.
  • Get the required documents before starting the clearance and registration stage.

WAEC/NABTEB or any equivalent O’level results, JAMB admission letter, birth certificate, local government identification certificate, Jamb printout, Guardian or parent’s attestation letter are the necessary documents you need for clearance and registration. Meanwhile, don’t hesitate to visit the school to confirm the documents you need for clarification.

  • Begin your clearance and registration
  • Complete the clearance phase as soon as possible to prevent missing classes or lectures
  • Get your faculty and departmental timetable to know your schedules.
  • Attend classes and be punctual.
  • Ask questions where and when necessary.

Frequently Asked Questions About Jamb Admission Status

How can I check my admission status without email?

Students can check their admission status without email by exploring the SMS method.

JAMB allows you to check your admission status by texting “Status (space) exam year” to 55019 or 66019 using the phone number you registered with JAMB.

For instance, send “Status 2022” to 55019 or 66019 if you are checking your admission status for 2022.

Note: Checking your admission status on the JAMB portal or school website is the best and recommended option.

How can I check my admission status via SMS?

Send “Status and exam year” to 55019 or 66019 using your registered phone number.

For instance, send “Status 2021” if you wrote JAMB in 2021. You will receive a swift response from the examination body.

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