NECO Data Processing Practical Specimen is Out for 2023

NECO Data Processing Specimen Practical

NECO Data Processing Specimen Practical

This article will show the specimens for the 2023 NECO Data Processing practical examination. You will also see the examination area of concentration, instructions, and guidelines on how each of these specimens will be used.

Apart from the data processing practical syllabus, here are the how to get  NECO data processing Practical expo at midnight before the exam.

The Neco Data Processing Specimen 2023 for the practical exam paper is here. The National Examination Council (NECO) Data Processing Practical paper will be written on Monday, 10th July 2023 according to the timetable.

The Neco Data Processing Practical paper will start at 10:00 am. In this post, we will give out the Neco data processing specimens, and questions for candidates who will participate in the forthcoming examination..


2023 NECO Data Processing Practical Specimen

Each Candidate should be provided with the following groups of specimens.

(Pick Any Four)
(i)Insert text: This allows you o under text anywhere in the document
(ii)Delete text: This allows you to erase characters, words, lines, or pages as easily as you can cross them out on paper
(iii)Copy: Allows you to duplicate a section of text
(iv)cut and paste: This allows you to remove (cut) a section of text from one place in a document and insert (paste) it somewhere else.
(v)Print: Allows you to send a document to a printer to get a hard copy.

database is an organized collection of structured information, or data, typically stored electronically in a computer system. Data can be easily accessed, managed, modified, updated, controlled, and organized

(Pick Any two)

(i)Centralized Database:
It is the type of database that stores data in a centralized database system. It comforts the users to access the stored data from different locations through several applications.

(ii)Operational Database:
The type of database which creates and updates the database in real-time. It is basically designed for executing and handling the daily data operations in several businesses.

(iii)Relational database:
This is a type of database that stores and provides access to data points that are related to one another. The columns of the table hold attributes of the data, and each record usually has a value for each attribute, making it easy to establish relationships among data points.



Choose File and select Exit.
Press Alt+F4.

A spreadsheet Package is a program that enables the computer user to carry out calculation-related tasks. Spreadsheets are majorly used for organizing and analyzing numeric data.

Assistance to Candidates (Examination Instructions)

  1. The purpose of the practical Computer Studies test is to know or find out whether the candidates can carry out simple practical work themselves.
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” The Examiner is aware that a candidate sometimes may not be able to show his/her practical ability owing to his/her failure to understand some point in the laboratory/workshop, he should be prepared to give such a candidate a hint to enable them to get on the experiment. In order to overcome this difficulty, you are asked to cooperate with the Examiner to the extent of being ready to give (or to allow the Computer Studies teacher to give) a hint to the candidate who is unable to proceed”.

  1. The following regulation must be strictly adhered to:
    (a) No hint may be announced to the candidate as a whole

(b) A candidate who is unable to proceed and requires assistance must come up to you and state his/her difficulty. The candidate should be told that the Examiner will be informed of any assistance rendered in any way.

(c) A note must be made, in the Report Form, of any assistance given to any candidate, with the name and index number of the candidate.

  1. it is suggested that the following announcement must be made to the candidates:
    “The Examiner does not want to waste your time through inability to proceed with the practical test after they has spent 15 minutes on it, may come to me and ask for help. I shall report to the Examiner any help given in this way, and some marks may be lost for the help received.

Neco Data Processing Practical Questions & Answers for 2023

NECO Data Processing Specimen Practical Answers

PAPER 2 [Essay]
Answer any FOUR questions.
Write your answers in the answer booklet provided.

  1. (a) i. Define an operating system.
    ii. State two functions of an operating system
    iii. List two differences between an operating system and application software.
    (b) Starting from the Save As dialogue box, outlines steps involved in passwording a document in a word processing package.

ANS: (a) (i) Operating system is a suite/set(collection) of programs/software that controls and coordinates/manages the hardware and software of a computer system.
(ii) File management, Storage management, Input-Output/peripheral management, Processor Management, Booting/starting up the computer, File Management
(iii) Differences between an operating system and application software include:

S/N Operating system Application software
1. Controls the functioning of the computer/management of computer resources/system software Performs specific task(s)
2. It is independent of Application Software/Does not depend on the application software Depends on the operating system to operate
3 Can boot the computer Cannot boot the computer/
4 Provides services to computer Provides services to the user

(b) From the Save As dialog box, click on Tools, Click on the General/Security option, Type in the password, click ok, Retype the password, and click OK.

  1. (a) What is a computer virus?
    (b) Mention three sources of computer viruses
    (c) List two ways of preventing computer virus infection.
    (d) State one function of each of the following units of a computer:
    (i) input unit;
    (ii) memory unit.
    (e) Give one example of each of  the following:
    (i) Input unit;
    (ii) Memory unit.

  2. (a) Give two examples of a word processing application.
    (b) Distinguish between the “Save” and “Save As” commands
    (c) State the function of the following key combination:
    (i) Ctrl + shift +  +
    (ii) Ctrl + E
    (d) A college secretary who is typing the school’s examination questions sits all day in front of a Cathode-Ray Tube (CRT) monitor which is positioned below her eye level.
    (i) Mention two measures that the secretary should take in order not to have a medical problem.
    (ii) Identify two health-related challenges that the secretary is likely to face.

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Neco Data Processing OBJ Questions 2023.

PAPER 1 (Objective)
Answer All the questions in this section.
Write your answers in the answer sheet provided.

  1. The first-generation computers made use of
    A. low-level programming language.
    B. high-level programming language.
    C. object-oriented programming language.
    D. procedural programming language.

  2. Microprocessor was used as the main electronic component of the
    A. first-generation computers.
    B. second-generation Computers.
    C. third generation computers.
    D. fourth generation computers.

  3. The act of producing information from figures, text, or images is called data
    A. collation.
    B. conversion
    C. preparation.
    D. processing.

  4. The following are primary sources of information except
    A. questionnaire
    B. publication
    C. observation
    D. interview.

  5. Which of the following factors is not considered when classifying computers?
    A. Size
    B. Type
    C. Location
    D. Purpose

  6. Which channels would enable business transactions between a buyer from Nigeria and a seller from Ghana?
    A. e-portal
    B. e-library
    C. e-commerce
    D. podcasting

  7. The ICT application which helps to resolve road congestion at junctions is
    A. automatic teller machine.
    B. automatic traffic marshal.
    C. street light.
    D. traffic light.

  8. The main components of the central processing unit (CPU) of the computer are.
    A. register and memory.
    B. control unit and register.
    C. control unit and At&t
    D. ALU&BUS.

  9. Stages in the data processing cycle include the following except data…
    A. collation.
    B. gathering.
    C. parsing.
    D. processing.

Conclusion: NECO Data Processing Practical Specimen

These tools are designed for students to access them online for free and practice the use of each of the specimens before the examination date. For this reason, all NECO students who are offering Data Processing are encouraged to go through these specimens, study them, and know them for better performance in the examination.

Neco Data Processing Practical Specimen Questions 2023, Neco Data Processing Practical Specimen 2023, Neco Data Processing Practical 2023 Specimen, yellow paper for Data Processing Neco 2023, Neco Data Processing Yellow Paper 2023. NECO Data Processing Specimen Practical Answers,

  1. The purpose of the practical Computer Studies test is to know or find out whether the candidates can carry out simple practical work themselves.

” The Examiner is aware that a candidate sometimes may not be able to show his/her practical ability owing to his/her failure to understand some point in the laboratory/workshop, he should be prepared to give such a candidate a hint to enable hi/her get on the experiment. In order to overcome this difficulty, you are asked to cooperate with the Examiner to the extent of being ready to give (or to allow the Computer Studies teacher to give) a hint to a candidate who is unable to proceed”.

  1. The following regulation must be strictly adhered to:
    (a) No hint may be announced to the candidate as a whole
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(b) A candidate who is unable to proceed and requires assistance must come up to you and state his/her difficulty. The candidate should be told that the Examiner will be informed of any assistance rendered in any way.

(c) A note must be made, in the Report Form, of any assistance given to any candidate, with the name and index number of the candidate.

  1. it is suggested that the following announcement must be made to the candidates: “The Examiner does not want to waste your time through inability to proceed with the practical test after they has spent 15 minutes on it, may come to me and ask for help. I shall report to the Examiner any help given in this way, and some marks may be lost for the help received.

You may ask me for any additional equipment which you think would improve the accuracy of your work, and you should state in your script how you used such equipment.”

Funloaded is here to help you with any of the information you are not clear with or may need an assistant during your Waec stuff.

On this page, we are releasing all the 2023 Neco questions and answers for our paid VIP members at NECO Expo 2023 / NECO Runs 2023 Questions & Answers, and don’t take it for granted.

We update this every day by releasing the 2023/2024 NECO ANSWERS FOR 2023. You can join our forum for a quick answer For Free, NECO Data Processing Specimen Practical Answers, NECO Data Processing Specimen Practical Answers, NECO Data Processing Specimen Practical Answers, NECO Data Processing Specimen Practical Answers, NECO Data Processing Specimen Practical Answers, NECO Data Processing Specimen Practical Answers.

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