2020 Tutorial Centre Business Plan in Nigeria (Download PDF)

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Our sample tutorial centre business plan in Nigeria can be used to access bank loans, proposal writing and grant applications.
This business plan was complied after a proper feasibility study on tutorial centres in Nigeria was carried out. Furthermore,this business plan will be talking about how to start a tutorial center in Nigeria.

To get your own tutorial centre business plan in Nigeria, pay N30,000 to:
Bank Name – Polaris Bank
Account Name – Idowu Oluwole Isaiah
Account No – 3050308918
After payment, text your full name, email address and title (tutoring business plan pdf) to 08032773749. Your business plan will be sent to your email within 15 minutes.
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This article is designed to expose you to making money through starting and sustaining a tutorial centre business. While growing up as a kid, a lot of people would have had the opportunity of having extra lessons after normal school hours.
There is now an increasing requirement for tutoring especially because of increasing competition. People who have extra tutorship have the advantage of being ahead of their peers in exam preparation and planning.
A tutorial centre could cater for professional and non-professional exams and also exams like the WASSCE, NECO, GCE, JAMB, university aptitude tests, TOEFL, A-Grade, IELTS, to mention a few, or professional examinations like ICAN, ICMP, CCNA, ORACLE, RICS, GMAT, A++, etc. as well as foreign language tutoring.
It is important to have the patience and genuine interest in working with younger people or those looking to learn a new skill or acquire a new certification. The money may not be the only motivation for you if you like making people better in knowledge and skill.
In reality, you don’t need a crazy amount of money to begin but you can start out small and expand the business as time goes on. To begin, you would need to take the following steps.

You have to decide the purpose you want the tutoring centre to accomplish. Do you want to run it for regular school pupils, if that, would it be for primary or secondary school, still yet, would you be running it for their academic examination as some tutoring centres focus on preparing students for their externals like WASSCE, IJMB, First School Leaving Exams and so on. Would you rather be interested in preparing adults for ICAN, GMAT and other professional and non-professional examinations? These are questions you need to answer before any other step is taken. It will help if you can also decide the age group the centre will carter for as this will impact on your choice for the area of concentration. It is normally easier to teach kids in primary and secondary school but tutoring older people has a better payoff.

Drawing out a business plan is critical to the take-off and survival of your business. Here you should carry out a feasibility study to determine the number of people to employ, how many people you want to carter for, how much money you need, how the subject or lesson module would fit into your objective. Draw out a plan of how to attract and retain customers, so you can appraise the business from time to time.
Ensure that you properly understand your target clientele. Work out an estimate for your expected profit, bearing in mind that it is dependent on the number of students you have at any given time, which is also dependent on the subjects the centre will carter for. If you are running the centre for professional courses, then it is solely dependent on the number of students as they will be required to attend all lesson modules, subjects or courses as the case may be. You will need to plan for renovation and furniture because it may always arise, especially furniture, desks and chairs for the students.

You should register your business with the CAC to legitimize it as well as carry out any necessary registration for licensing as may be required with the local education boards in most areas. If you want to operate some professional and non-professional courses, some require that you are accredited. Usually, they have local chapters those that don’t would have in major cities across the country.

You should choose a good location to operate your business from, usually to fit into areas that are transverse routes to people’s residence as people may not want to go too far from where they live. But even so, a central location would always be adequate. You could decide to lease or outrightly purchase the property where the centre would be run from. Some tutorial classes have been known to run from public schools after regular classes have expired. This choice is able to reduce starting costs as you would not need to purchase new furniture.

To be successful, it is important to recruit a team of highly trained, qualified and experienced staff and professionals who can fit into the vision of the establishment.
The number of hand that would be needed would be commensurate to the number of courses or subjects you would want the centre to handle so it’s best to decide the courses/subjects before recruiting. If the aim is for professional certification the courses to be taken are prescribed but it is possible to get one or two tutors who can take multiple courses.
For academic courses like WASSCE, there are certain subjects that are in high demand such as mathematics, English, physics, chemistry, and so on due to their complexities and toughness and so it would be a plus to make such subjects available. It is also be important to recruit staff that have patience and enthusiasm, can inject fun from time to time and will always encourage students’, without which your students will not get better. Do not employ boring tutors.

Supplies such as textbooks, study guides, lesson/lecture notes, stationery and writing board should be bought according to what is required for effective functioning of the centre.

Advertise your services in places where parents or prospective clients frequent. If secondary school students are your targeted market, share your handbills, flyers and business cards to parents and students especially after closing hours. Take out time to ask administrators and other institutions to refer clients to you. You can also use radio to advertise your business.

There is only one sure way of achieving success in this business – and that is through excellence. You need to create an environment that will set you apart from your competitors. Create a niche that will set a pace in your coaching business which is designed to be your selling point.
Make the experience at your centre a lasting one – sometimes it may be necessary to take interest in particularly weak students or high-require learners as this would help in boosting the image of the centre. Some centres have gone as far as bringing in renowned teachers/instructors who have become popular over the years with their work with students/learners in a particular subject or area of interest.
You could take a step further by getting study aids and visual helps or other instructor materials that will speed up learning.
When all this is done, everything in the strategy must be designed to facilitate the prevailing curriculum. Also find out how much other centres charge so you don’t price yourself out of business. The time table has to be designed in a way that two boring subjects do not follow each other. Timing of classes or periods should be such a way that boring subjects/courses do not overlap.

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Economics of the Tutorial Centre Business

There is profitability in the business but it has to be properly run. It takes a determined and focus entrepreneur to start the business from scratch and uplift it to a reputable brand or standard. The demand for tutorial schools is driven by the fact that most schools cannot meet the educational criteria for all their students and also because there is increasing need of the students to meet with national and international educational standards. The tutorial centres are needed especially because people want to raise their grades.
There is now a preponderance of private secondary schools that offer extra classes for pupils after normal school hours and this reduces the number of students that are available for the tutorial centres. They actually even offer holiday schooling and this puts a strain on centres who benefit heavily from the holiday season especially the third term where schools are on break for 6 weeks.
The good news is that even during the period of economic downturn the industry wasn’t overly affected probably because most literate and even some illiterate Nigerians believe in the efficacy of education.
The most potent way of being known in this industry is by referrals especially by word of mouth from students and families who at one time or the other have been satisfied with your service.
Private tutorship has also become more popularized because of the gains of one-on-one teaching methods and also because the students are in a familiar environment so they are more comfortable and so they have the tendency to learn better. This is especially true for children. It does not affect centres that are run for professional and non-professional courses as in most cases has to be run from accredited centres.
It is evident that the economic indices changes is mostly dependent on the age group the centre is set up to carter for. Other factors are location, funding, competition, staff and the ability to execute strategy, which is largely influenced by administration.

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Running the Business

The business has to be run by an administrator whose sole aim is to ensure that students are registered, and given necessary materials as is sometimes the case. Some tutoring centres have a one-time registration fees to handle this and then collect funds every month and in some scenarios, especially for short courses for professional and non-professional courses periodically.
Here, the students are required to pay a fee for the duration of the programme, sometimes it is mandated that a certain percentage is paid at the beginning of the programme while the rest could be spread until the end of the programme. It is the duty of the administrator to record every student and cash entry for every batch. If it happens that payment is monthly, then it is recorded and filed under subject to be taken by each student, as some students may decide to opt out from taking some subjects probably because they feel they can now study on their own or if they have a change of teacher, better than the previous taking that subject in their school.
You can oversee the administration by yourself as this will save funding as well as ensure that you handle the funds. It is important for the administrator to ensure that teachers arrive for their classes on time as well as ensure that they do not overstay their periods.
The payment should be dependent on how many students attend or offer a subject, especially when the centre is run for academic reasons. That way, you can maintain a healthy competition among the staff to attract students to their respective classes.
Sometimes, a teacher might have to become overly creative in subjects that are not high profile or those that students are not at risk of failing. In cases where the system is run for professional and non-professional courses, the pay is usually the same across the courses the respective teacher/instructor takes. There are some instructors/teachers that can take more than one subject/course at a time. I remember at a time, I had the same teacher handling both mathematics and further mathematics at my centre…it just implied more money for the teacher.
Whatever you do, it is important to maintain a standard and even improve on it. If it is possible to get instructors/teachers who mark for external bodies like WASSCE, NECO, ICAN, etc., you would be sure that they will be more equipped to follow the curriculum in such a way as to ensure maximum pass rate among your students.
It is good to take interest in students’ progress and results. Some centres have gone to the extent of organizing mock trials in other to appraise their efforts and standard.
With this, it is expected that you can successfully run a tutoring centre business and make money from this money maker.
Get your tutorial centre business plan in Nigeria today. To order the business plan, pay N30,000 to:
Bank Name – Polaris Bank
Account Name – Idowu Oluwole Isaiah
Account No – 3050308918
After payment, send your full name, email address and topic (i.e. tutoring business plan pdf) to 08032773749. Your business plan will be sent to your email within 15 minutes.
Tutorial Centre Business Plan in Nigeria © https://funloaded.org.ng

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