WAEC Biology Questions and Answers 2020/2021 Objectives/Essay PDF Now Available

WAEC Biology Questions and Answers 2020/2021 OBJ/Essay PDF. We have come to give out sure 2O20 WAECbiology questions and answers. This article is a very sure expo that will help you pass your 2O20 WAEC exams on biology. There is always a secret to every success and here is the secret to your WAEC biology exam success.

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WAEC Biology Objectives Questions and Answers 2020


Before you go for the WAEC exam, find ways to test yourself and to identify your weak spots so you can make sure you’re really ready. Get and study the WAECbiology questions and answers given to you below.

Generally, Getting a good grade is about getting the best overall percentage in the exams that you take. Exam points are usually the hardest to get, so make sure you get all the easy — or at least easier — points correctly.

This  2O20 WAEC biology questions and answers are also divided into two sections (A & B). where A is usually objectives with possibly 60 questions while B is always made up of 6 to 7 essay questions.

Below are the   WAEC biology questions and answers

  1. A cell is a functional unit of living organisms due to
  • A. multicellular organisms are made up of cells
  • B. all cells in a multicellular organism function as a single cell
  • C. the function of a multicellular organism is the sum total of the functions of its constituent cells
  • D. the function of a single cell is superior to that of the multicellular organism
  • E. the cells of a multicellular organism are similar in structure

ANSWER: A ( multicellular organisms are made up of cells )

2The organelle that eliminates water from the body of protozoa is

  • A. plasma membrane
  • B. contractile vacuole
  • C. cell wall
  • D. protoplasm
  • E. nucleus

ANSWER: B ( contractile vacuole )

3 Spirogyra is known to be a multicellular plant due to …

  • A. its cells are linked together by cytoplasmic strands
  • B. its cells are joined to form organs
  • C. the cylindrical cells are linked end to end
  • D. the filaments consist of one cell only
  • E. it is an algae containing large vacuoles

ANSWER: A ( its cells are linked together by cytoplasmic strands )

  1. The mechanism of gaseous exchange in living organisms is controlled by..
  • A. osmosis
  • B. inhalation
  • C. diffusion
  • D. exhalation
  • E. breathing

ANSWER: C (diffusion)

  1. Which of the following statement is true about diffusion?
  • A. it involves movement of water molecules only
  • B. Molecules move from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration
  • C. differentially permeable membrane must be present for diffusion to occur
  • D. It involves when a solute can no longer dissolve in a solvent of only solute molecules into the Bowman’s capsule
  • E. It occurs when a solute can no longer dissolve in a solvent

ANSWER: E (It occurs when a solute can no longer dissolve in a solvent)

The process of anearobic respiration of yeast in sugar solution is known as

  • A. oxidation
  • B. fermentation
  • C. tissue respiration
  • D. alcohol production
  • E. decomposition


  1. The following are functions of the skeleton except
  • A. providing support for the body
  • B. protection of delicate internal organs
  • C. maintenance of the shape of the body
  • D. providing attachment for muscles
  • E. controlling growth rate in animals

ANSWER: E ( controlling growth rate in animals)

  1. Muscles are attached to bones by means of
  • A. ligament
  • B. cartilage
  • C. synovial membrane
  • D. tendons
  • E. connective tissue

ANSWER: D ( tendons )

  1. Which of the following tissues is not found in the stem and root of monocotyledons?
  • A. Xylem
  • B. Cambium
  • C. Pith
  • D. Cortex
  • E. Pericycle

ANSWER: B (Cambium)

  1. The pulmonary vein carries
  • A. oxygenated blood from right ventricles to the lungs
  • B. oxygenated blood from lungs to the left auricle
  • C. deoxygenated blood from the lungs
  • D. oxygenated blood from lungs to the right auricle
  • E. deoxygenated blood from the right ventricle to the lungs
  1. The upper part of the trachea in mammals is called
  • A. palate
  • B. epiglottis
  • C. larynx
  • D. glottis
  • E. bronchus

ANSWER: B ( Molecules move from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration)

WAEC Practice Biology Questions

  1. Which of the following statement is NOT true of symbiosis?

A) Symbionts must be living
B) It is an association of ‘give and take’
C) The association may involve two plants
D) Association between two similar species
E) Symbionts derive mutual benefits person whose blood can be donated to all other people, must have the blood group

  • A) O
  • B) AB
  • C) B
  • D) A
  • E) none of the above

If Benedict’s solution gives a positive result in a food test, the food contains

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A) sugar
B) protein
C) oil
D) fat
E) cellulose

A surprising fact about sickle cell disease is that it

  1. A) affects only black people
  2. B) kills the patient
  3. C) is hereditary
  4. D) affects blood cells
  5. E) weakens the patient
  6. Nitrification means
  1. A) conversion of nitrates to nitrogen
  2. B) fixing nitrogen into plants
  3. C) conversion of nitrates to nitrites
  4. D) changing of ammonia to nitrities, then nitrates
  5. E) nitrogen cycle
  6. Which of the following statements is NOT true of menstruation?
  1. A) It occurs monthly
  2. B) The discharge contains amniotic fluid
  3. C) Its signifies no conception
  4. D) It involves the lining of uterus
  5. E) It may cause pains
  6. The tissue which connects a muscle to a bone is a
  1. A) cartiligae
  2. B) muscle fibre
  3. C) tendon
  4. D) ligament
  5. E) connecting fibre
  6. A fruit formed from a single flower having several free carpels is
  1. A) a multiple fruit
  2. B) a dry dehiscent fruit
  3. C) a dry indehiscent fruit
  4. D) a simple fruit
  5. E) an aggregate fruit
  1. If the anthers of a flower mature before the stigma, the condition is termed
  2. A) epigyny
  3. B) hypogyny
  4. C) protogyny
  5. D) protandry
  6. E) perigyny

1O. An instrument used in measuring the speed of wind is

  1. A) a barometer
  2. B) a wind gauge
  3. C) a wind vane
  4. D) an anemometer
  5. E) a hydrometer
  6. Spirogyra reproduces vegetatively by
  1. A) spore production
  2. B) fragmentation
  3. C) multiple fission
  4. D) budding
  5. E) binary fission
  6. Which of the following instruments is used to demonstrate the response of roots and shoots to gravity?
  1. A) Klinostat
  2. B) Manometer
  3. C) Porometer
  4. D) Potometer
  5. E) Photometer
  6. Milk protein is hydrolyzed by
  1. A) renin
  2. B) amylase
  3. C) lipase
  4. D) lactase
  5. E) pepsin
  6. The rate of transpiration of a leafy shoot would be highest under
  1. A) damp, cold, still air
  2. B) damp, warm, moving air
  3. C) dry, warm, moving air
  4. D) dry, cold, moving air
  5. E) dry, warm, still air
  6. What is name of the respiratory organ of the crab?
  1. A) Tubules
  2. B) Trachaea
  3. C) Spiracles
  4. D) Lungs
  5. E) Gills
  6. The two types of human tapeworm can be distinguished by the presence or absence of
  1. A) scolex
  2. B) hook
  3. C) head
  4. D) sucker
  5. E) proglottis
  6. All the following are digestive enzymes except
  1. A) bile
  2. B) lipase
  3. C) maltase
  4. D) pepsin
  5. E) ptyalin
  6. In a bakery, yeast is added to flour to make bread rise. This is possible because yeast produces
  1. A) alcohol
  2. B) oxygen
  3. C) carbon dioxide
  4. D) energy
  5. E) ethanol
  6. Accommodation of the human eye is best described as the
  1. A) ability to see distant objects
  2. B) movement of upper and lower eyelids
  3. C) focusing of near and distant objects
  4. D) changing of lens shape due to varying light intensities
  5. E) constant adjustment of the iris

2O. Normally any character shown by an organism is due to the effects of

  1. A) hormones and chromosomes
  2. B) chromosomes
  3. C) mutation
  4. D) hormones and genes
  5. E) genes and environment
  6. Which of the following animals is cold blooded?
  1. A) Cat
  2. B) Lizard
  3. C) Whale
  4. D) Bird
  5. E) Horse
  6. What is the genetic ratio of a cross between homozygous tall plant and a homozygous dwarf plant?
  1. A) 0 tall : 4 short
  2. B) 3 tall : 1 short
  3. C) 2 short : 2 tall
  4. D) 1 tall : 1 short
  5. E) 4 tall : 0 short
  6. Where is the food stored in yam plant?
  1. A) stem
  2. B) Bud
  3. C) Adventitous root
  4. D) Leaves
  5. E) Tap root
  6. Which of the following is the dental formula of man?
  1. A) i(2/2) c(0/1) pm(2/2) m(3/3)
  2. B) i(2/2) c(1/1) pm(2/0) m(3/3)
  3. C) i(2/2) c(1/1) pm(2/2) m(3/3)
  4. D) i(2/2) c(1/1) pm(3/3) m(2/2)
  5. E) i(2/2) c(1/1) pm(2/3) m(3/3)
  6. The kind of teeth used for tearing food materials is the
  1. A) fang
  2. B) canine
  3. C) premolar
  4. D) carnassial
  5. E) incisor
  6. Which of the following insects has an incomplete metamorphosis during its life circle?
  1. A) Butterfly
  2. B) Bee
  3. C) Mosquito
  4. D) House-fly
  5. E) Grasshopper
  6. The mushroom is an organism which feeds
  1. A) parasitically
  2. B) saprophytically
  3. C) holozoically
  4. D) symbiotically
  5. E) autotrophically
  6. What is the function of the contractile vacuole in paramecium?
  1. A) Produces enzymes
  2. B) Gets rid of excreta
  3. C) Stores and digest food
  4. D) Gets rid of excess water
  5. E) Controls movement
  6. Choose the sequence which represents the correct order of organisms in a food chain.
  1. A) Grass, snake, toad, grasshopper, hawk
  2. B) Grass, grasshopper, toad, snake, hawk
  3. C) Grass, grasshopper, snake, toad, hawk
  4. D) Grass, snake, grasshopper, toad, hawk
  5. E) Grass, toad, snake, grasshopper, hawk

3O. Which of the following is NOT a function of the liver?

  1. A) Regulation of blood sugar
  2. B) Storage of iron
  3. C) Formation of bile
  4. D) Breakdown of excess amino acids
  5. E) Excretion of urea from the blood
  6. If a baby is a female, her mother’s ovum must have been fertilized by a sperm carry the chromosome
  1. A) X
  2. B) XY
  3. C) XX
  4. D) YY
  5. E) Y
  6. Leguminous plants, e.g Mucana, are usually planted in cultivated farmlands because they
  1. A) enrich the soil with phoshates
  2. B) provide animals with food
  3. C) enrich the soil with organic nitrogen
  4. D) protect the soil from being over-heated
  5. E) protect the micro organisms in the soil
  6. During thunderstorms the energy of lightning discharge causes
  1. A) oxygen and nitrogen to combine
  2. B) more carbon dioxide to be formed
  3. C) nitrites to be converted to nitrates
  4. D) nitrates to be converted to nitrogen
  5. E) death
  6. A few grams of dried soil were first heated until red hot and then further heated until no more smoke was released. This experiment was to determine
  1. A) amount of water in soil
  2. B) percentage of water in soil
  3. C) presence of humus in soil
  4. D) resistance of laterities to heat
  5. E) release of smoke from the soil
  6. Oxygen from the atmosphere reaches the mammalian blood stream through one of the path indicated below. Indicate the correct path, a = mouth, b = trachea, c = bronchiole, d = nostril, e = bronchus, f = alveoli
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  1. A) a → b → e → f → d
  2. B) b → d → f → e → c
  3. C) d → b → e → c → f
  4. D) b → a → f → e → c
  5. E) f → e → c → d → c
  6. Below are some group of diseases. Which group of diseases is caused by bacteria?
  1. A) Tuberculosis, smallpox
  2. B) Gonorrhoea, measles
  3. C) Tuberculosis, polio
  4. D) Sleeping sickness, measles
  5. E) Syphilis, gonorrhoea
  6. A mosquito which produces eggs which float, and whose larvae lie horizontal to the water surface, also rests at the angle on a vertical surface. This type of mosquito is
  1. A) Aedes
  2. B) Anopheles
  3. C) Culex
  4. D) Tiger mosquito
  5. E) none of the above
  6. The amount of water loss from a leaf can be detected using
  1. A) lime-water
  2. B) red litmus paper
  3. C) blue litmus paper
  4. D) blue cobalt chloride paper
  5. E) pink cobalt chloride paper
  6. In animals, cilia, flagella, pseudopodia and chaetae, can be used for
  1. A) reproduction
  2. B) fighting
  3. C) attachment to plants
  4. D) locomotion
  5. E) locating sensation

4O. Which of the following is NOT true of wind-pollinated flowers?

  1. A) A large amount of pollen produced
  2. B) Light smooth pollen grains
  3. C) Small inconspicuous flowers
  4. D) Scented petals
  5. E) Large pendulous anther
  6. Which of the following food substances is digested in the stomach?
  1. A) Carbohydrate
  2. B) Fats and oil
  3. C) Fats and proteins
  4. D) Proteins
  5. E) Carbohydrates and fats
  6. The conversion of excess amino acids into urea occurs in the
  1. A) Kidney
  2. B) pancreas
  3. C) villi
  4. D) liver
  5. E) spleen
  6. For pollination and fruit formation, the essential part(s) of the flower should be the
  1. A) corolla
  2. B) ovary
  3. C) pistil (gynoecium)
  4. D) ovules
  5. E) receptacle
  6. Which one of the following parts of the mammalian body is most closely associated with the production of urine?
  1. A) Malpighian capsule
  2. B) Urinary bladder
  3. C) Ureter
  4. D) Vas deferens
  5. E) Urethra
  6. A potometer is used to determine the rate at which a shoot
  1. A) respires
  2. B) sucks air bubbles
  3. C) loses weight
  4. D) absorbs water
  5. E) transpires
  6. A green plant growing in a compost pit is feeding
  1. A) holozoically
  2. B) parasitically
  3. C) saprophytically
  4. D) holophytically
  5. E) in none of the above ways
  6. The part of the cell solely responsible for respiration is the
  1. A) nucleus
  2. B) nucleolus
  3. C) mitochondria
  4. D) golgi apparatus
  5. E) endoplasmic reticulum
  6. The filament of spirogyra were put into equal volumes of sugar solutions X and Y. After 5 minutes, filaments from solution X had their cells contents rounded up while those from Y were unaffected. The experiment shows that
  1. A) solution X was stronger than Y
  2. B) solution Y was stronger than X
  3. C) Spirogyra used up the sugar in solution X
  4. D) solution X is good for stimulating sexual reproduction in Spirogyra
  5. E) solution Y was less contaminated than X
  6. Which part of the human brain is concerned with reflexes controlling the rate of heart beat and breathing?
  1. A) Medulla
  2. B) Cerebrum
  3. C) Cerebellum
  4. D) Pineal body
  5. E) Olfactory lobe

5O. Which of the following hormones is produced during fright or when agitated?

  1. A) Insulin
  2. B) Adrenalin
  3. C) Thyroxine
  4. D) Pituitrin
  5. E) Progesterone
  6. The following are connected with the movement of a reflex action

(1) Central Nervous,
(2) Muscles,
(3) Skin,
(4) Sensory Nerve,
(5) Motor Nerve.

  1. Which of the following sequences indicates a correct path?
  1. A) 1 → 2 → 3 → 4 → 5
  2. B) 2 → 1 → 4 → 5 → 3
  3. C) 3 → 4 → 1 → 2 → 5
  4. D) 4 → 1 → 5 → 2 → 3
  5. E) 3 → 4 → 1 → 5 → 2
  6. Biconcave lenses are used in the correction of an eye defect called?
  1. A) myopia
  2. B) colour blindnes
  3. C) old age
  4. D) hypermetropia
  5. E) weakening of ciliary muscles
  6. The center which controls respiratory activities in the mammalian brain is the
  1. A) cerebrum
  2. B) olfactory lobe
  3. C) pituitary organ
  4. D) cerebellum
  5. E) medulla
  6. A student trying to find out the order in which organisms appear on a cleared plot is studying one of the following
  1. A) Ecosystem
  2. B) Food chain
  3. C) Food web
  4. D) Succession
  5. E) Community
  6. An organism X lives entirely on the waste products in another organism Y. In this association X is a
  1. A) symbiont
  2. B) commensal
  3. C) saprophyte
  4. D) parasite
  5. E) epiphyte
  6. The tips of some rice seedlings were cut off while some were left intact. Both were covered with a container that had only one small hole to allow light through. After twenty-four hours it was observed that
  1. A) the cut tips was bent away from the light
  2. B) the cut tips bent towards source of light
  3. C) the intact tips bent away from the light
  4. D) the intact tips bent towards the light
  5. E) both tips bent away from light
  6. If three 30 cm lengths of glass tubes are tightly packed with clay, sand and loamy soils respectively and then stood in a beaker of water for one week, the level of water will be
  1. A) lowest in the tube with clay
  2. B) the same in all tubes
  3. C) lowest in the tube with loamy soil
  4. D) highest in the tube with sandy soil
  5. E) lowest in the tube with sandy soil
  6. In anaerobic respiration, glucose is converted to one of the following
  1. A) Carbon dioxide and water
  2. B) Carbon dioxide only
  3. C) Carbon dioxide and alcohol
  4. D) Alcohol and water
  5. E) water and acetic acid
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6O. During excretion of urea there is also a corresponding re-absorption of water into the blood. This re-absorption takes place in the

  1. A) uriniferous tubules
  2. B) Bowman’s capsule
  3. C) glomerulus
  4. D) Malpighian capsule
  5. E) renal artery
  6. If the bark and phloem tissue of a woody shoot are peeled off by ringing, the whole plant will eventually die because
  1. A) water does not reach the leaves
  2. B) water and salts remained below the ring portion
  3. C) there is a withdrawal of water from the root by soil
  4. D) manufactured food does not reach the roots
  5. E) the roots store too much water

WAEC Biology Essay Questions And Answers

Section B [Essay]

Answer any FOUR questions in this section.

Write your answers on the answer booklet provided.

  1. (a) Describe briefly the role of the stomach indigestion.

(b) (i) Name three parts of plants in which food can be stored

(ii) Give one example in each case.

(c) Explain briefly how the level of sugar in the mammalian blood can

be regulated.

  1. (a)(i) What is sexual reproduction?

(ii) Name four organs in mammals that produce sex hormones.

(iii) Name one sex hormone produced by each of the organs named in


(b) In a tabular form outline three differences between reproductions in

lizards and birds.

(c) (i) How are identical twins forms in humans?

(ii) State three characteristics features of identical twins.

  1. (a) Explain the following terms:

(i) disease;

(ii) symptoms of diseases

(b) (i) List two physical and two chemical barriers that prevent

pathogens from penetrating the body of an organism.

(ii) Explain how vaccination protects the body from contracting

infectious diseases.

(c) Distinguish between an antibody and an antigen.

(d) Name the causative agents of: (i) Malaria; (ii) Cholera; (iii) AIDS.

  1. (i) What is respiration?

(ii) In a tabular form, state four differences between gaseous exchange

and aerobic respiration

(b) (i) Explain the term residual air.

(ii) What is the importance of residual air to mammals?

(iii) State four characteristic features associated with respiratory


(c) (i) What is oxygen debt?

(ii) Outline three activities that can result in oxygen debt.

  1. (a) (i) What is conservation?

(ii) State six factors responsible for the decline of the abundance and

variety of wildlife.

(b) Outline six ways in which the government can improve the situation

in 5(a) (ii) above.

(c) (i) What is Eutrophication?

(ii) State two causes of eutrophication.

  1. (a) What is photosynthesis?

List: (i) four external factors;

(ii) two internal factors; that affect the rate of photosynthesis.

(b) (i) List the major products of the light-dependent stage of


(ii) State the importance of each of the products listed in 6(c) (i)


(c) (i) Explain why there are no green plants at the lower depths of

some lakes.

(ii) State why decomposers are important to flowering plants.

  1. (a) (i) What is a gene?

(ii) Differentiate between the terms genotype and phenotype.

(b) Explain the following terms: (i) hybrid; (ii) pure breeding; (iii)


(c) In garden pea seeds, the smooth seed coat is dominant over rough

seed coat.

With the aid of a genetic diagram, determine the result expected if a

homozygous rough pea is crossed with a smooth seed coat plant

whose parent were rough coated. .

  1. (a) (i) Describe epigeal germination of a seed.

(ii) In a tabular form, state three differences between epigeal

germination and hypogeal germination.

(b) (i) What is seed dormancy?

(ii) State three ways by which dormancy in seeds can be broken.

(c) State six advantages of using contraceptives in human populations.

Our 2020 waec biology questions and answers was sourced from the right place and there is an alignment with the 2020  waec questions and answers on Biology and that’s why we can say that the questions for this year’s WAEC biology exams is drawn from the previous year’s questions.

Like you have seen, the waec 2020 biology questions and answers is not very difficult as expected by many candidates who have been studying day in and day out. So please, Study and master the above 2O20 waec biology questions and answers and do well to master them. Check below to get past questions to other subjects.

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