JUPEB Subject Combination & Courses For 2023 Now Available

JUPEB Subject Combination

JUPEB Subject Combination

JUPEB Subjects & Courses Combination Now Available

The Joint Universities Preliminary Examinations Board (JUPEB) is a national examination board that enables students to gain direct entry admission into their preferred university after completing the JUPEB programme. JUPEB offers a wide range of subject combinations, and choosing the right one can be a daunting task. In this article, we will discuss JUPEB subject combinations, how to choose the right one for direct entry, and the pros and cons of each combination.

JUPEB subjects combination

Prospective applicants of this programme are required to register and sit for three(3) A/L subjects identified with their preferred course of study in the university be it Science, Art or Social Science Course.

The students would then be lectured on these subjects for a time period of (9-12) months at their respective ➧JUPEB Affiliated Institution or Study Centre, and thereafter sit for the examination.

Many people do ask us what course can someone study after being through with JUPEB programme at their favourite centre. We use to say, JUPEB candidates can study any course of their choice with JUPEB programme. People go further to ask us, including medicine, capital YES, including Medicine, Law, Accounting, and Engineering. All courses as long as Nigerian universities offer them, you can study them with JUPEB after being through with the programme.

This is to inform our prospective students about the JOINT UNIVERSITIES PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION BOARD( Jupeb subjects combinations – we have made a compilation of subject combinations for all JUPEB courses. We implore all prospective JUPEB Students to check the subject combination of their particular course before going ahead to register.

All candidates seeking admission into Nigerian Universities through JUPEB should take note that the English Language is not a compulsory subject for students be it science, social science or Arts students.

Students should be informed that they are to choose three subjects related to their preferred course before registration. E.g Chemistry, physics and biology is the combination for Medicine while literature, Government and C.R.S/I.R.S is the combination for Law etc.

These subjects are to be chosen from the list provided below and must be relevant to the undergraduate programmes they wish to go for in the universities. Moreso, students may need to consult the brochure for necessary guidance regarding subjects that are relevant to your proposed degree programme.

JUPEB Subject Combinations

JUPEB offers a total of 23 subject combinations, including Arts, Social Sciences, Management and Sciences. The subject combinations are designed to cater to the needs of students who want to gain admission into various courses in universities. Below is a list of JUPEB subject combinations:

  1. Arts: History/Literature/Christian Religious Studies (HLCRS), Economics/History/Literature in English (EHL), History/Igbo/CRS (HICRS), and Igbo/Literature/CRS (ILCRS).
  2. Social Sciences: Government/Economics/Mathematics (GEM), Literature/Economics/Government (LEG), Geography/Economics/Government (GEG), and Biology/Economics/Government (BEG).
  3. Management and Sciences: Business Studies/Accounting/Mathematics (BAM), Mathematics/Accounting/Geography (MAG), Mathematics/Economics/Business Studies (MEB), and Physics/Chemistry/Mathematics (PCM).
  • IGBO

All the combinations above meet the entry requirements for direct admission into Degree Programmes at the University of Lagos and other ➧JUPEB Affiliate Universities.

The below table shows various subject combinations with their codes and possible undergraduate courses, you are advised to peruse accordingly.

1. 001 O/L English Only
2. 002 O/L Maths Only
3. 003 O/L English And Maths
4. 004 Acct, Bus. Mgt., A/L Maths Acct; Bus Admin. Public Admin, Banking And Finance, Marketing
5.. 005 Acct, Bus. Mgt., Econs Acct; Bus Admin. Econs. Public Admin Banking And Finance, Marketing
6. 006 Acct, Bus. Mgt., Geog Acct; Bus Admin. Public Admin, Banking And Finance, Marketing
7. 007 Acct, Bus. Mgt., Govt Acct; Bus Admin.; Public Admin. Banking And Finance, Marketing
8. 008 Acct, Bus. Mgt., Sociology Acct; Bus Admin., Sociology, Public Admin., Banking And Finance, Marketing
9. 009 Acct, Econs; Geog Acct; Bus Admin. Econs. Public Admin., Banking And Finance, Marketing, Urban Reg. Plan.
10. 010 Acct, Econs; Geog Acct; Bus Admin. Econs. Public Admin., Banking And Finance, Marketing, Urban Reg. Plan.
11. 011 Acct; Econs; Govt Acct; Bus Admin. Econs. Public Admin. , Banking And Finance, Marketing, Mass Comm.
12. 012 Acct, Econs; Sociology Acct; Bus Admin. Econs. Public Admin., Banking And Finance,
13. 013 Acct; Geog; A/L Maths Acct; Bus Admin Geog. Public Admin., Banking And Finance, Marketing, Urban Reg. Plan.
14. 014 Acct; Econs; Govt Acct; Bus Admin. Econs. Public Admin., Banking And Finance, Marketing,
15. 015 Acct; Geog; Sociology Acct; Bus Admin; Sociology; Mass Comm., Public Admin; Banking And Finance Marketing
16. 016 Acct; Govt; A/L Maths Acc: Bus Admin; Public Admin; Banking And Finance Marketing
17. 017 Acct; Govt; Sociology Acct; Bus Admin; Sociol; Pol. Sci. Inter Studies; Public Admin. Mass Com. Banking And Finance
18. 018 Arabic; French; Crs Single Honours
19. 019 Arabic; French; Is Single Honours
20. 020 Arabic; Govt; Hausa Pol. Sci; Inter Studies; Mass Comm. Single Honours
21. 021 Arabic; Govt; Isl. St Pol. Sci; Inter Studies; Mass Comm. Single Honours
22. 022 Arabic; Hausa; Hist, Archaeology (Abu); Mass Com. Pol Sci. Inter Studies, Single Honour
23. 023 Arabic; Hausa; Isl. St., Single Honours
24. 024 Arabic; Hausa. Lit. Law, Single Honours
25. 025 Arabic; Hist ; Isl. St Law, Pol. Sci. Inter Studies, Archeology, Single Honours
26. 026 Arabic; Hist; Lit Single Honour; Law; Mass Com. Pol. Sci. Inter Studies, Archeology
27. 027 Biol; Chem.; A/L Maths Medicine, Vet. Medicine, Pharmacy, Biochem, Micro Biology, Agricultural Science, Tex. Sc, Single Honours
28. 028 Biol; Chem.; Geog Agric Sci, Archaeology, Biochem, Micro Biology, Physiology, Single Honour
29. 029 Biol; Chem; Geol Single Honour In Any Of The Here Subject, Biochem, Micro Biology, Text. Sc. Physiology, Agric, .Sci , Archaeology
30. 030 Boil; Chem.; Physics Medicine, Vet. Medicine; Agric, Sciences; Engineering; Textile Science And Technology; Pharmacy, Biochem, Geophysics, Agric, Sc Archaeology, Microbio, Single Honors
31. 031 Bus. Mgt; Econs; A/L Maths Bus Admin. Econs, Acc, Urban Reg Plan, Banking And Finance, Marketing
32. 032 Bus. Mgt; Econs; Geog Bus Admin. Econs, Acc, Urban Reg Plan, Banking And Finance, Marketing
33. 033 Bus. Mgt; Econs; Govt Bus. Admin. Pol, Sci., Inter Studies, Public Admin; Econs; Mass Comm.., Acct., Banking And Finance, Marketing
34. 034 Bus. Mgt; Econs; Sociology Bus. Admin; Single Honours, Acct, Public, Banking And Finance
35. 035 Bus. Mgt; Econs; A/L Maths Bus. Admin. Environmental Sciences, Acct. Banking And Finance, Marketing
36. 036 Bus. Mgt; Econs; Govt Public Admin. Bus. Admin. Acct. Banking And Finance Public Admin
37. 037 Bus. Mgt; Econs; Sociology Bus. Admin; Sociology; Marketing. Acct. Banking And Finance. Public Admin.
38. 038 Bus. Mgt; Econs; Sociology Bus. Admin. Public Admin; Sociology; Pol. Sci; Inter. Studies; Marketing; Acct; Banking And Finance
39. 039 Chem.; Geog; /L Maths Envl Sc; Engr; Agric Sc; Archaeology, Text. Sc, Single Honours
40. 040 Chem.; Geog; Physics Envl Sc; Engr; Agric Sc; Archaeology, Text. Sc, Single Honours
41. 041 Chem.; Geoal; A/L Maths Envl Sc; Engr; Agric Sc; Archaeology, Text. Sc
42. 042 Chem.; Geol; Physics Envl Sc; Engr; Agric Sc; Archaeology, Text. Sc, Single Honours
43. 043 Chem.; Geol; A/ L Maths Engr; Envl. Sc; Text Sc. Comp. Sc; Agric Science, Geophysics, Single Honours
44. 044 Crs; Govt; Hausa Single Honours; Pol Sc. Inter Studies; Public Admin Mass Comm.
45. 045 Crs; Govt; Lit Single Honours; Law; B. Sc Public Admin; Pol Sc; Admin Mass Com
46. 046 Crs; Hausa; Hist Single Honours; Archaeology (Abu); Pol Sc; Public Admin; Inter Studies; Mass Com
47. 047 Crs; Hausa; Lit Single Honours; Law
48. 048 Crs; Hist; Lit Single Honours; Law; Mass Com; Pol Sc; Inter Studies, Archaeology
49. 049 Econs; Geog; A/L Maths Envl Sc; Urban Reg. Plan; Single Honours, Acct, Banking And Finance; Public Admin.; Marketing
50. 050 Econs; Geog; Govt Urban Reg. Plan; Acct; Banking And Financing. Public Admin; Marketing
51. 051 Econs;P Geog; Sociology Urban Reg. Plan; Single Honours In All Three Subjects, Acct, Public Admin. Banking And Finance
52. 052 Econs; Govt; A/L Maths Public Admin; Pol Sc. Inter Studies; Mass Com, Acct, Banking And Finance; Single Honours
53. 053 Econs; Gov; Sociology Econs; ; Pol Sc. Inter Studies; Public Admin; Social, Mass Com, Acct, Banking And Finance; Single Honours
54. 054 French; Govt ; CRS Single Honours; Pol Sc; Inter Studies; Public Admin
55. 055 French; Govt ; IS Single Honours; Pol Sc; Inter Studies; Public Admin
56. 056 French; Hausa; Lit Single Hounoranours; Law, Mass Com
57. 057 French; Hist; CRS Single Honours; Pol Sc; Inter Studies; Public Admin, Archaeology
58. 058 French; Hist; IS Single Honours; Pol Sc; Inter Studies; Public Admin, Archaeology
59. 059 French; Hist; Lit Single Honours; Pol Sc; Inter Studies; Public Admin, Law; Archaeology, Mass Com
60. 060 Geog; Govt; A.L Maths L Envl Sc. Pol Sc. Inter Studies; Geog; Public Admin
61. 061 Geog; Govt; Sociol Urban Reg. Plan; Sociol; Public Admin; Pol Sc; Geog; Inter Studies
62. 062 Geog; Hist; Sociol Single Honours Pol Sc. Inter Studies; Public; Sociol
63. 063 Geol; Physics; A/L Maths Single Honours; Envl Sc; Engr; Archeology(Not Chemical Engr) Comp. Sc
64. 064 Geol; Physics; A/L Maths Single Honours; Envl Sc; Engr; Archeology(Ibadan) Comp. Sc
65. 065 Govt; Hausa; IS Single Honours; Pol Sc. Inter Studies; Public Admin.
66. 066 Govt; IS; Lit Single Honours; Pol. Sc.; Inter Studies; Public Admin; Law Archaeology, Mass Com.
67. 067 Hausa ;Hist; Lit Single Honours; Pol. Sc.; Inter Studies; Public Admin; Law Archaeology, Mass Com.
68. 068 Hausa; IS ; Hist Single Honours; Public Admin; Pol. Sc Inter. Sc
69. 069 Hausa; IS ; Lit Single Honours; Law
70. 070 Hist; IS ; Lit Single Honours; Inter Studies; Public Admin; Pol Sc. Mass Comm., Law Archaeology
71. 071 Sociology ; Arabic; Lit Single Honours; Law Mass Comm.
72. 072 Sociology; French; Lit Single Honours; Law Mass Comm.
73. 073 Sociology ; Hausa; Lit Single Honours; Law Mass Comm.
74. 074 Sociology ; Yoruba; Lit Single Honours; Llb Law B. Sc Sociol
75. 075 Yoruba; French; CRS Single Honours
76. 076 Yoruba; French; Is Single Honours
77. 077 Yoruba; CRS; Govt Single Honours; Public Admin; Pol. Sc Inter. Sc
78. 078 Yoruba; CRS; Lit Single Honours; Law
79. 079 Yoruba; Gov; Lit Single Honours; Law; Inter Studies; Public Admin; Pol Sc. Mass Comm
80. 080 Yoruba; IS; Govt Single Honours; Mass Comm.; Pol Sc; Public Admin; Inter Studies
81. 081 Yoruba; IS; Lit Single Honours; Law
Also Read:  JUPEB CRS Questions and Answers 2023/2024 (Essay and Objectives)

Some sample courses during the JUPEB programme are:

1. JUPEB Medicine Subjects Combination

The subject’s combination during medicine will be. Biology, Chemistry and Physics plus GNS

2. JUPEB Law Subjects Combination:

The subjects combination for Law during the JUPEB programme shall be. CRS, Government, Literature in English and GNS

3. JUPEB Business Administration Subject Combination:

The subjects combination for the Bus. Admin during the programme are. Business Management, Accounting, Economics and GNS.

4. JUPEB Engineering Subjects Combination.

For Engineering, the subject combination should definitely be Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics and GNS.

JUPEB Subjects

All the combinations above meet the entry requirements for direct admission into Degree Programmes in all universities accepting JUPEB

Below are the subjects combinations/Full List of JUPEB Subjects Combinations For All Courses

(A) JUPEB Subjects Combinations for Sciences:

  1. Medicine and Surgery: Biology, Physics and Chemistry.
  2. Agricultural Engineering: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.
  3. Computer Science: Mathematics, Physics and one of Biology, Chemistry, Agric Science, Economics and Geography.
  4. Biochemistry: Biology, Physics and Chemistry.
  5. Biological Sciences: Biology, Chemistry and Physics or Mathematics.
  6. Physics: Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry or Biology.
  7. Mathematics: Mathematics and any two of Physics, Chemistry, Economics, Biology and Agricultural Science.
  8. Chemistry: Chemistry and two of Physics, Biology and Mathematics.
  9. Nursing: Physics, Biology and Chemistry.
  10. Food, Science and Technology: Chemistry, Mathematics / Physics and Agric Science.
  11. Pharmacy: Biology, Physics and Chemistry.
  12. Industrial Chemistry: Chemistry, Mathematics and any of Physics/Biology/Agricultural Science.
  13. Fisheries: Chemistry, Biology/Agricultural Science and any other Science subject.
  14. Geology: Any three Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Biology and Geography.
  15. Geography: Geography and any two of Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Agricultural Science.
  16. Surveying Geoinformatics: Physics, Mathematics, and any of Chemistry, Geography, Biology and Economics.
  17. Statistics: Mathematics and any two of Physics, Chemistry, Biology
  18. Building: Physics, Mathematics, and any of Chemistry, Geography, Art, Biology and Economics.
  19. Microbiology: Biology, Chemistry and either Physics or Mathematics.
  20. Botany: Biology, Chemistry and any other Science subject.
  21. Zoology: Biology and any two of Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics.
  22. Pure and Applied Mathematics: Mathematics, Physics and Biology or Agric Science or Chemistry or Geography.
  23. Agriculture: Chemistry, Biology/Agriculture and any one of Physics and Mathematics.
  24. Agricultural Economics: Chemistry, Biology/ Agricultural Science and Mathematics.
  25. Agric-Extension: Chemistry, Biology/ Agricultural Science plus Mathematics or Physics.
  26. Agronomy: Chemistry, Biology or Agriculture and Physics or Mathematics.
  27. Animal Production and Science: Chemistry, Biology/Agric Science and Physics/Mathematics.
  28. Crop Production and Science: Chemistry, Biology/Agriculture and Mathematics or Physics.
  29. Soil Science: Chemistry, Biology or Agricultural Science plus Mathematics or Physics.
  30. Veterinary Science: Physics, Chemistry and Biology.
  31. Forestry: Chemistry, Biology or Agriculture and Physics or Mathematics.
  32. Civil Engineering: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.
  33. Chemical Engineering: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.
  34. Computer Engineering: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.
  35. Electrical Engineering: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.
  36. Electronic Engineering: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.
  37. Marine Engineering: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.
  38. Mechanical Engineering: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.
  39. Metallurgical and Materials Engineering: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.
  40. Petroleum and Gas Engineering: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.
  41. Systems Engineering: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.
  42. Structural Engineering: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.
  43. Production and Industrial Engineering: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.
  44. Architecture: Physics, Mathematics, and any of Chemistry, Geography, Art, Biology and Economics.
  45. Quantity Surveying: Physics, Mathematics, and any of Chemistry, Geography, Art, Biology and Economics.
  46. Urban and Regional Planning: Geography and one of Economics, Physics, Chemistry.
  47. Estate Management: Mathematics, Economics and one other subject
  48. Anatomy: Mathematics, Biology and Chemistry or Physics.
  49. Dentistry: Chemistry, Biology and one Science subject.
  50. Medical Laboratory Science: Physics, Chemistry and Biology.
  51. Medical Rehabilitation: Physics, Chemistry and Biology.
  52. Physiology: Biology, Physics and Chemistry.
  53. Physiotherapy: Biology, Physics and Chemistry.
  54. Radiography: Biology, Physics and Chemistry.
  55. Veterinary Medicine: Biology, Physics and Chemistry.
Also Read:  JUPEB Agric Science Practical Specimen Now Available 2023/2024

A brief history of IJMB

(B). JUPEB Subjects Combinations for Social Sciences:

  1. Accountancy: Mathematics, Economics and any other Social Science subject.
  2. Business Administration: Mathematics, Economics and any other Social Science subject.
  3. Public Administration: Government, Economics and any other subject.
  4. Banking and Finance: Mathematics, one Social Science subject and any other subject.
  5. Economics: Mathematics, Economics and any of Government, History, Geography, Literature in English, French and CRK/IRK.
  6. Demography and Social Statistics: Mathematics, Economics/Geography and any other subject.
  7. Geography: Geography and two other Arts or Social Science subjects.
  8. Library Science: Any three Arts or Social Science subjects.
  9. Mass Communication: Any three from Arts or Social Science subjects.
  10. Sociology: Three Social Science or Arts subjects.
  11. Political Science: Government or History plus two other Social Science/Arts subjects.
  12. Philosophy: Government and any other two subjects.
  13. Psychology: Any three subjects from Arts or Social Science.
  14. Social Works: Mathematics, Economics/Geography and any other subject.
  15. Sociology and Anthropology: Three Social Science or Arts Subjects.
  16. Industrial Relations: Mathematics, Economics plus one other relevant subject.
  17. Human Resources Management: Economics, Government and any other relevant subjects.
  18. International Relations: Economics, Literature- in English and Geography/Government/History.
  19. Business Management: Mathematics, Economics and one other subject.
  20. Cooperative and Rural Development: Mathematics, Economics plus one other subject.
  21. Tourism: Mathematics, Economics and any other subject.
  22. Marketing: Mathematics, Economics plus one other relevant Subject.
  23. Insurance: Mathematics, Economics and one other subject.

(C). JUPEB Subject Combinations for Arts:

  1. Arabic and Islamic Studies, Arabic and Two subjects from Arts and/or Social Sciences.
  2. Christian Religious Studies: Two Arts subjects including Christian Religious Knowledge and any other subject.
  3. Fine and Applied Arts: Fine Art and two other Arts subjects or Social Science subject.
  4. Theatre Arts: Lit. in English and two other relevant subjects.
  5. Linguistics: Lit. in English, TWO relevant Arts subjects
  6. English and International Studies: Literature in English, Government or History or any other Arts subjects.
  7. French: French and any other two subjects from Arts and Social Sciences.
  8. English Language: Lit.-in-English, one other Art subject and another Arts or Social Science subject.
  9. Hausa: Hausa, Lit in English and any of Economics, Government, History and Arabic.
  10. History and International Studies: History/Government and any other two subjects from Arts & Social Science.
  11. Islamic Studies: Islamic Religious Studies plus two other Arts subjects.
  12. Igbo: Igbo and two subjects from Arts and Social Sciences.
  13. Mass Communication: Any three Arts and Social Science subjects.
  14. Music: Music, one other Arts subject plus any other subject.
  15. Philosophy: Any three related subjects.
  16. Religious Studies: CRK/IRS and any two other subjects.
  17. Yoruba: Yoruba and two other subjects in Arts or Social Sciences.
  18. Anthropology: Any three of History, CRK/IRK, Geography, Economics, Literature in English and French.
  19. Criminology and Security Studies: English, Economics, Government, and any one of the following: History, Geography, Literature in English, igbo, French, IRK, Hausa.
  20. Law: Literature, Economics and any other Art Subject.
  21. Civil Law: Any three Arts or Social Science subjects.
  22. Islamic / Sharia Law: Any three Arts or Social Science subjects including Arabic or Islamic Studies.
Also Read:  JUPEB FAQs: Frequent Related Questions and Answers

How to Choose the Right JUPEB Subject Combination for Direct Entry

Choosing the right JUPEB subject combination for direct entry can be challenging. However, there are several factors that you should consider before making a decision.

These factors include your academic interests, career aspirations, and university admission requirements.

  1. Academic interests: Your academic interests should be your top priority when choosing a JUPEB subject combination. You should choose a combination that aligns with your interests and passion. This will make it easier for you to study and excel in your academic pursuits.
  2. Career aspirations: Your career aspirations should also guide your choice of JUPEB subject combination. You should choose a combination that aligns with your career goals and aspirations. This will give you a head start in your chosen career path.
  3. University admission requirements: You should also consider the admission requirements of the university you intend to apply to. Some universities have specific subject requirements for certain courses. You should choose a JUPEB subject combination that meets the admission requirements of your preferred university.

Pros and Cons of JUPEB Subject Combinations

Each JUPEB subject combination has its pros and cons. Below are the pros and cons of some JUPEB subject combinations:

  1. Arts: The Arts subject combination is suitable for students who are interested in pursuing a career in the humanities. The combination provides a strong foundation in literature, history, and religion. However, the Arts subject combination may limit your options when it comes to course selection.
  2. Social Sciences: The Social Sciences subject combination is suitable for students who are interested in pursuing a career in social sciences. The combination provides a strong foundation in economics, government, and geography. However, the Social Sciences subject combination may limit your options when it comes to course selection.
  3. Management and Sciences: The Management and Sciences subject combination is suitable for students who are interested in pursuing a career in business or science. The combination provides a strong foundation in accounting, mathematics, and science. However, the Management and Sciences subject combination may limit your options when it comes to course selection
  4. Mathematics/Physics/Chemistry (MPC): The MPC subject combination is suitable for students who are interested in pursuing a career in engineering, physics, or other science-related fields. The combination provides a strong foundation in mathematics, physics, and chemistry. However, the MPC subject combination may be challenging for students who do not have a strong background in mathematics.


Choosing the right JUPEB subject combination is crucial for your academic and career success. You should consider your academic interests, career aspirations, and university admission requirements before making a decision.

Each JUPEB subject combination has its pros and cons, and you should choose one that aligns with your goals and aspirations. With the right JUPEB subject combination, you can gain direct entry admission into your preferred university and kickstart your career.

Having listed the subject combination needed for all JUPEB students aspiring to register for JUPEB program, we advise prospective students to take their registration seriously because it has a long way to go at the end. We advise students to visit our registration centres for registration or register through our Registration Portal.


  1. What is JUPEB?

JUPEB stands for Joint Universities Preliminary Examinations Board. It is a national examination board that enables students to gain direct entry admission into their preferred university after completing the JUPEB programme.

  1. How many JUPEB subject combinations are available?

JUPEB offers a total of 23 subject combinations, including Arts, Social Sciences, Management and Sciences.

  1. How do I choose the right JUPEB subject combination?

You should consider your academic interests, career aspirations, and university admission requirements before choosing a JUPEB subject combination.

  1. What are the pros and cons of JUPEB subject combinations?

Each JUPEB subject combination has its pros and cons. For example, the Arts subject combination provides a strong foundation in literature, history, and religion, but may limit your options when it comes to course selection. The Mathematics/Physics/Chemistry (MPC) subject combination is suitable for students interested in science-related fields but may be challenging for those without a strong background in mathematics.

KEYWORDS: JUPEB Subject Combination & Courses For 2022 Now Available, JUPEB Subject Combination & Courses For 2022 Now Available, JUPEB Subject Combination & Courses For 2022 Now Available, JUPEB Subject Combination & Courses For 2022 Now Available.

JUPEB Subject Combination & Courses For 2022 Now Available, JUPEB Subject Combination & Courses For 2022 Now Available, JUPEB Subject Combination & Courses For 2022 Now Available, JUPEB Subject Combination & Courses For 2022 Now Available.

SOURCE: JUPEB Subject Combination & Courses For 2022 Now Available

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