How to Score Very High in JAMB – 270 and Above

What Jamb score do I need to get admitted into the University or Polytechnic to Study Law, Medicine, Physical Science, Engineering, Pharmacy, Accounting, Agriculture, Mass Comm, Education, Management, Business Admin…? So many candidates have been asking me this question.

You may also ask, “If I score between 180, 199, 200, 229, 250, 270 in Jamb 2020……can I gain admission with the score? If that’s your question, then this article is for you. I will try to answer your questions and as well make it very easy and straightforward.

Study rightly

Study with the accurate JAMB syllabus and practice the accurate JAMB past questions. Don’t waste your time reading anything you lay your hands upon. Click on JAMB Syllabus for all Subjects, JAMB Brochure.

Believe in yourself:

You just have to believe that you can make it. Don’t allow fear to defeat you. You must win this battle oh… Do you hear?

Be Punctual:

Get to the exam hall at least 30 minutes to the time on your exam slip. Coming late for the exam may destabilize your mind and make you lose focus.

Start your Exam with Familiar Questions:

When you start your exam with the questions you know, you have more chances of scoring high. research has also proven that when you answer questions you know, you tend to remember the once skipped because you forgot the answer. Just make sure you answer the questions you know, after which answer every other question.

Review your Answers:

Sometimes because of tension or some other things, you might tend to make mistake while answering the questions or even remember the answer to the questions you forgot. I will, therefore, advise you to try and go through your answered questions again before submitting especially if you still have time.

Submit on Time:

Yes, this is also important! Though if you don’t submit, the system has been programmed to automatically submit to you. But due to system error that might occur, we advise you to submit a few minutes to the time allocated to you. Don’t allow the system to shut you down
  1. Subscribe for our special assistance: with God all things are possible, we don’t mean you can’t do it alone we are not discouraging anyone, but subscribing for our runs will boost your marks higher than your expectations. You are intelligent, you are a good crammer, you have a magnetic brain believe in yourself and as well make a plan B in case you forget anything or you are are not familiar with the questions, subscribing with us will make you your own boss over your examination…

Are you interested in our 2020 JAMB ASSISTANCE PROGRAM CLICK HERE

Some Praticalised And internalized harder but they couldn’t make it up to 180 or less than 170, honestly speaking as far as u stick yourself in this page, you must rejoice once you check your jamb score, guarantee not less than 280+
*Your success is my priority.

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