BSUM Post UTME Admission Processing for the 2021/2022 Academic Session Now

This page contains Free BSUM Post UTME & Admission Processing for the 2021/2022 academic session is out for sales.

This is to inform all aspirants of Nigerian Universities that they can now download the official BSUM Post UTME & Admission Processing for 2021/2022 for the respective institutions for FREE to help with their studies.

Funloaded is committed to assisting prospective candidates with free access to reliable educational resources to help them excel in their various fields.

Hence, we took the initiative of making the BSUM Post UTME & Admission Processing for 2021/2022 for all institutions accessible to every student for FREE.

Indisputably, there are several smart secrets to achieving academic success; but of them all, using relevant past questions is by far the smartest, strongest, and choicest.

These past questions and answers offer candidates the opportunity to study and practice previous BSUM Post UTME questions for their respective choice institutions.

Thus, giving them insight into the likely questions and the areas or topics of concentration which altogether makes reading smooth and fascinating.

Download All Schools BSUM Post UTME & Admission Processing for 2021/2022: Are you an aspirant? or are you currently searching the internet for BSUM Post UTME & Admission Processing for 2021/2022?

Search no more! BSUM Post UTME & Admission Processing for 2021/2022 are now available for download to all candidates that are about to write the screening examination in all institutions in Nigeria.

Firstly, we have high accurate post UTME past questions and answers for all schools in Nigeria as a whole. Apparently, we got this to aid your preparations for the upcoming BSUM Post UTME screening examination. Indeed, they are all you need to scale through the BSUM Post UTME screening exercise with flying colors.

BSUM Post UTME & Admission Processing

Interestingly, a candidate with a high jamb score of 350 but ended up with a low BSUM Post UTME cannot gain admission into any University in Nigeria. However, a candidate with a JAMB score not below the cutoff mark and with a high BSUM Post UTME can gain admission.

Therefore, even if you score high in JAMB, don’t relax thinking your admission is sure. That being the case, you have to buckle up too in your BSUM Post UTME to stand a chance of gaining admission into any institution in Nigeria.

Furthermore, scoring 290 in your JAMB doesn’t mean you should relax. And, then 10 days to exams you prepare for the screening test. The reality is, you will get a bad result. However, the best choice is to get the complete set of the BSUM Post UTME past questions and start studying immediately after your UTME exams are concluded.

Benefits of BSUM Post UTME Past Questions

  1. However, it gives you useful insights into the nature of questions to expect and helps you avoid unpleasant surprises.

  2. In addition, it will be easy for you to recognize repeated questions and answer them with ease and speed.

  3. Similarly, gives you knowledge on the number of questions given and allocated time.

  4. Equally important, it gives exposure to the marking scheme

How to Write BSUM Post UTME Exam Successfully

  1. Do not spend too much time on any questions. Thus, answer first, those possible questions which you know well as quickly as you can.

  2. Also, always read a question carefully. Make sure that you understand exactly what is required before setting out to answer it

  3. Furthermore, listen to all the instructions given by the Supervisor of the examination. And do exactly what he tells you to do. Also, start when he tells you to start and stop when he tells you to stop,

  4. Also, plan how to answer questions as quickly and carefully as you can.

  5. Furthermore, mark (or shade) your answers clearly on the answer sheet. If you find out you have made a mistake, erase your first mark completely then make a new mark.

  6. Additionally, remember to fill in the details required on your answer sheet. And these are the examination, year, your name, your index number, and the subject If you do not write your name or your index number you will not receive any credit for the work done.

  7. Also, if you have more answer spaces than you need, just leave the extra spaces blank.

  8. Additionally, when you have finished one page, go on straight to the next page without wasting time or waiting to be told.

  9. Also, keep calm on the examination day. Your chance of doing well is high if you keep calm than if you are worried and restless.

Also Read:  UMYU Post UTME Admission Processing for the 2021/2022 Academic Session Now

Hard Copy Achievable

Nevertheless, spending a little amount to obtain accurate past questions and answers PDF, then print it out in hardcopy if needed can go a long way to help you gain your admission.

Hard copies aid easy access too in situations of power shortage. some students find hard copy materials easy to read as the continuous staring at the phone or system screen can cause damage to the eyes.

We have gathered our information and lecturers [Source] directly from a few universities, polytechnic,s or some other schools. If you are sitting for the BSUM Post UTME screening this year (2021/2022), we recommend that you are on the right website to help you beat this 2021/2022 post JAMB test.

NOTE: this before scrolling down: What you are reading is not a scam or whatsoever trick you might think, also this post is only for2021/2022 BSUM Post UTME Serious Candidates that will love to write once and pass without resitting for it next year.

Details on How BSUM Post UTME & Admission Processing Works?

This is how it works, your O’level result (WAEC, GCE, NECO, NABTEB) will have to be complete, you must have written the just concluded JAMB examination. We will recommend five Universities, Polytechnics, And College Of Education you can choose from after then be fully assured that your name will appear on the school’s 1st batch admission list.

However, there is no point in saying that securing admission to today’s Nigeria Universities is a walk-in process and I can testify to that. After six years of secondary school education comes the crucial rounds and the sequence of “frustrating” assessment and examinations – the almighty JAMB & BSUM Post UTME.

First thing is to scale through the Senior School Certificate Examination ( SSCE ) or the West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE). Next, the moving ahead of preparing for the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board- Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examinations JAMB/BSUM Post UTME or Direct Entry as the case may be in some students.

The truth is that there are no easy ways to get admitted to Nigeria Universities… Use your head Mr. Funloaded is here to mar the difficulties for all Aspirants interested in gaining Admission this year only if you can pay the PRICE the PRIZE you paid during WAec and Jamb and BSUM Post UTME effort was good, what is the PRICE We are talking about? Admission processing prices differ according to your Choice of Course ranging as for #30,000 Only.

Also Read:  OOU Post UTME Admission Processing for the 2021/2022 Academic Session Now

In addition, the frustration many students in Nigeria face during admission into universities in Nigeria does not end there, as required by the Nigerian tertiary institutions – Universities, Polytechnics, Colleges and the Pre-degree examinations like the Post-UTME Examination have to be taken in order to secure full admission to most universities in Nigeria.

The journey continues and goes further, after sitting for those examinations, the hassle does not come to an end There is always the competition for admission, such as the search for high Cut-off marks, State region consideration, ELDS, the bribery in most universities, and making the dean’s list.

Consequently, the unlucky ones are left with nothing other than to give it a trial or give up, search for a less competitive course and apply.

The question now is, is there any simple way of gaining admission into Nigerian higher institutions?

The answer is No!

SMS/WhatsApp Mr. Funloaded now via 08032773749

You see, no higher institution is set up to become a tourist attraction. An institution built to educate; morally and intellectually. There are over 400 institutions in Nigeria, and every year, you and thousands of other students sit for an examination to gain entrance into these institutions, and of the truth, everyone will not get admission. And no one wants to be part of everyone.

There are departments in some UNIVERSITIES that don’t admit more than 200 students & some of these departments have very high competition in admission while some have less than 25% competition rate. Some of the departments that have this low competition rate are very good but the problem is that many UTME applicants in Nigeria don’t know that such departments are in their choice of Institution.

This is where most of the aspirants make big mistakes; if you know you don’t have a good AVERAGE SCORE when you see your BSUM Post UTME result, there is no need to go for courses that will end up dumping you, calm down and go for courses that have lower cut-off marks but will still interest you to study.

Well, in a situation where you apply for a course with a lower cut-off mark during your JAMB registration and you find out that you made a good AVERAGE score after you might have seen your result, you can put up courage and apply for a change of course to that your first choice course which has a higher cutoff mark (but make sure your JAMB SUBJECT COMBINATION is comfortably in line with the course you are changing too).

Ensure that any two courses you want to toss around with accept the same O`level subject combinations.

For complaints/inquiry/Assistance: Whatsapp/SMS: 08032773749

We are ranked Number 15 in Top 70 As the Best Nigeria Education Blogs from thousands of Nigeria Education Websites on the web using search and social metrics. Subscribe with us for your admission processing assistance to your school of choice now by making the right decision to SMS/WhatsApp us on 08032773749. because we’re actively working to educate, inspire, and empower you with legit, frequent updates, assistance, and high-quality information. You can check us by checking the Keyword on your mobile phone Top Nigeria Education Blogs, News Websites We’re

For inquiring SMS/WHATSAPP: 08032773749,

Education Consultation service

Our Admission Assistance consultation service cost N30,000.

So far so good, we have helped over more than 4000 candidates get Admission into their dream universities. We also assist candidates with admissions through O’level, JAMB, JUPEB, IJMB, Prescience, Predegree, Continuous Education programs, Maritime, and lots more. You can help a friend with this wonderful information by sharing this post on WhatsApp, Facebook, and Twitter using the social sharing button below this post.

Also Read:  BSUM Admission List 2021/2022 | How to Check BSUM Admission List Online (Complete Batch Now Available)

Contact us

Get admitted into the 1st Batch merit Admission List with our professional Admission Assistance consultation service payment fee is N30,000.

Whatsapp/ Text : 08032773749.

In other to get the material delivered to your mailbox, you are entitled to make a bank deposit of 30,000 naira to our account, You are to message us on WhatsApp for the details. (08032773749) or click the below link

Payment procedure for the BSUM Post UTME & Admission Processing

  1. Payment to the following bank account sent to your SMS or Whatsapp Number, either by bank deposits slip or online transfer
  2. After payment, the candidate is expected to:

Send FULL NAME ON TELLER or BANK ACCOUNT which the payment was made from + AMOUNT PAID + BSUM Post UTME & Admission Processing IN DEMAND +FACULTY + COURSE, as mail to or SMS to 08032773749.


  1. Name of Teller or Bank Account You Transferred From.- Frank Andrews
  2. School e.g: UNIZIK
  3. Faculty or Course E.g: AGRICULTURE
  4. Email Address or Whatsapp Number

You can reach out to our customer care service before placing an order.

DISCLAIMER! The Content on this page is solely written to meet the needs and to guide aspirants.

This article was written with good intentions and does not mean to cause any disturbances. If you feel any infringement of content or copyright, please kindly contact us privately.

Proofs of Admitted Candidates We’ve Assisted

Below are proofs and screenshots of candidates that we helped get admitted into their respective institutions in the 2021/2022 academic session.

Below are some of the testimonials we received:

  1. I’m Shola, I got admitted into BSUM to study computer science with the help of I trust them and they’ve been helping a lot of Nigerian students excel. Shola, Ibadan
  2. Admission assistance service is real. I just got admitted into BSUM ZARIA with their help to study Medicine and surgeon. I recommend them to every nigerian students. Abayomi Lagos
  3. They helped me get Admitted into UNIBEN through Direct Entry to study Bussiness Administration after looking for D.E admission for two years. Albert, Anambra
  4. Doing business with your company has really impressed me. First I thought it was a scam till I took the risk. Now am in UNIZIK 200 Level. Studying Pharmacy. God bless Richard, Lagos
  5. I have been given admission to study Law in UNIMAID. Thanks to this Great team for helping me out. May Allah bless you. Mohammed, Maiduguri
  6. When my school failed to give me admission and so many schools has finished giving admission, I contacted Funloaded and they promised to help me. After 3 weeks I instantly got admitted into UNILORIN to study Chemical Engineering. May God bless this team BSUM ndantly. Mary, BSUM ja
  7. First, they helped me in JAMB 2020, then WAEC, made best results. After then I sent them my BSUM Post UTME credentials now I just got admitted to study Political Science in BSUM. Next year I will recommend my friends to this website and to them. Chidinma, Enugu
How To Get Admission With Low JAMB Score Of 170, 160, 150, 140, 130, 120, 110, 100 - JAMB Admission Guideline 2021
How To Get Admission With Low JAMB Score Of 170, 160, 150, 140, 130, 120, 110, 100 - JAMB Admission Guideline 2020
How To Get Admission With Low JAMB Score Of 170, 160, 150, 140, 130, 120, 110, 100 - JAMB Admission Guideline 2019


BSUM Post UTME Admission Processing for the 2021/2022 Academic Session is Out, BSUM Post UTME Admission Processing for the 2021/2022 Academic Session is Out, BSUM Post UTME Admission Processing for the 2021/2022 Academic Session is Out.

DISCLAIMER! The Content on this page is solely written to meet the needs and to guide aspirants.

This article was written with good intentions and does not mean to cause any disturbances.

If you feel any infringement of content or copyright, please kindly contact us privately.

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