Diamond Bank USSD Code to Check Account Balance on your Phone

How to Check Diamond Bank Account Balance Via USSD Code

Diamond Bank USSD Code to Check Account Balance.

It’s quite unfortunate that some customers do not know that there is the fastest way of checking Diamond Bank Account balance on their phone. 

Right here on this page, I will show you the fastest and simple ways on how you can quickly check your Diamond bank account balance. 

Yes, As an owner of the Diamond bank account, you can quickly check your account balance on your phone. So if you want to know how, so continue reading.

Diamond Bank is among the best Banks in Nigeria in terms of mobile banking. With Diamond Bank USSD code, you can easily check your Diamond Bank account balance on phone. 

The use of USSD code to check Diamond Bank account balance on a mobile phone has really made mobile banking more comfortable, and many banks now have mobile banking apps that even make internet banking less stressful. 

This means you don’t have to queue at the ATM points to check your bank account balance, and you can now do so in the comfort of your mobile phone.

You must meet the following requirements to use a diamond mobile code.

  • Diamond Bank Account: You must be a diamond bank Naira denominated account, holder.
  • Alert Number: The phone number registered to your bank account.
  • Mobile Phone: Any mobile device that can make and receive calls.
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So let’s go straight to how you can check your Diamond Bank account balance on your mobile phone. 

Dial *901# on the mobile phone number you used to open your Access Bank (Diamond) account and follow the instruction. 

If it doesn’t work, you then have to register the number by dialing, *901#.

Hope with this, you have learned how to check Access Bank (Diamond) account Balance with any phone

How to Check Diamond Bank Account Balance With USSD Code 

For all Diamond Bank customers, this is how to check your account balance.

  • Dial *426# from the phone number you registered when opening your Diamond account and follow the on-screen prompts. 
  • Reply with “1” and then send
  • After that, a message will be sent to your number which contains the amount of money left in your account

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Remember: Sharing is caring. 

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