WAEC SSCE May/June 2020 Exam should have been the talk of the town by now but due to the outbreak of Corona Virus, The examination body decided to postpone the exam Indefinitely.
However, every candidate by now may have been scampering for success elsewhere to beat the exam.
At this time, I wish to list the basic success guide that will eventually triumph you to excel as soon as the exam commences.
For your WAEC SSCE Expo 2020, WAEC Runs 2020, WAEC Questions and Answers 2020, visit https://funloaded.org.ng/legit-2020-waec-runz/
Read your book, don’t because Coronavirus has paralyzed the activities of various sectors, you now remain at home doing nothing forgetting that you have an exam on your shoulders.
Find past questions, read as many questions and answers from the subjects you registered, WAEC is known to be repeating questions. Where you seem to be confused, call the attention of your superior, tutor or teacher when school resumes.
You can seek for external assistance, if you wish to, to speed and get higher grades like A’s or B’s, check out the link shared above for more information.
Then pray to God/Allah to see you through during the exam period, because it’s not that knows passes but by his grace.