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2023 WAEC Biology Practical Specimens & Answers is Out

WAEC Biology Practical Specimens

WAEC Biology Practical Specimens

2023 WAEC Biology Practical Specimen Answers to Questions Now Available, WAEC Biology Practical Specimen 2023 – Above all this page contains the list of Biology Practical Specimens and materials that will be used for the May/June 2023 Biology Practical Examination. All you need to do is to stay focused and follow me.

The West African Examinations Council is an examination board that conducts the West African Senior School Certificate Examination, for University and Jamb entry examinations in West African countries.

The WAEC biology to practical question paper will be brought in for the exam on Tuesday, 16th May 2023.

The Biology 3 Practical exam holds from 9:30 am to 11:30a m for the 1st set and 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm for the 2nd set. We are writing this post to show the Waec biology specimen from provided yellow paper, Waec biology practical drawings, and materials that were used in the WAEC biology practical exam past questions and syllabus.


WAEC Biology Practical Specimens Questions and Answers 2023

WAEC 2023 Biology Practical Specimens Answers is another section of the exams whereby you will be required to answer questions from the specimens given. Whereas the specimens are normally labeled. The labels may range from A to Z. To answer these questions correctly, kindly read the questions at least 3 times. These will help you to pass the WAEC 2023 Biology Practical Specimens questions very well.


Group 1 (For all candidates)
Specimen A – Weevil-damaged been seed
Specimen B – Viable been seed
Specimen C – Dried Maize grain soaked in water overnight
Specimen D – Soldier termite (dead)
Specimen E – Honeybee (dead)
Specimen F – Muddy water ( in a test tube)
Specimen G – Lower jaw of a herbivore with teeth intact.

Group II
Specimen H: Head of domestic fowl (complete)
Specimen J: Quill Feather
Specimen K: Leg of domestic fowl (complete)
Specimen L: Head of Duck (complete)

It is essential that each candidate should be provided with the following materials;
(i) glass jar cover/petri dish
(ii) white tiles
(iii) beaker
(iv) a hand lens/magnifying lens
(v) scalpel/razor blade/ knife
(vi) a pair of forceps
(vii) iodine solutions.

NB: (i) All specimens can be provided as group specimens for five (5) to ten (10) candidates.
(ii) All specimens in each of the groups must carry individual labels (e.g A, B, C, D, E, F, and G in Group I)

WAEC Biology Practical Questions Answers 2023.

Paper 3 (Practical)
Answer ONLY … questions.
Write your answers in the spaces provided.

Question 1: Study specimens A, B, C, and D and use them to answer the questions that follow.
(a) (i) Name the phylum to which specimen D belongs.
(ii) Name the habitat of specimen D
(iii) Name the type of reproduction common to specimens D.
(b) (i)
(c) State three observable similarities between specimens C and D.

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Question 2: Study specimens G and H and answer questions 2(a) to 2(f).
(a) (i) Name the floral parts of specimen H.
(ii) Indicate the number of floral parts in each whorl of specimen H.
(b)(i) Name the sex of specimen H.
(ii) Give one reason for the answer in 2(b)(i)
(c) (i) What is the symmetry of specimen H?
(ii) Give one reason for the answer in 2(c)(i)
(d) Name one pollinating agent of each of specimens G and H.
(e) State four observable differences between specimens G and H.
(f) Make a drawing 8 cm – 10 cm long of the longitudinal section of specimen H and label fully.

Question 3: 

Study specimens E, F, and J carefully and use them to answer questions 3(a) to 3(d).
(a) Classify specimens E, F, and J according to the following criteria:
(i) agricultural classification;
(ii) life cycle.
(b) State two ways in which specimen J is important to human nutrition.
(c) With a scalpel or knife, make a cross-section of specimen E.
(i) What type of placentation is observed in the cut section of specimen E?
(ii) Name one example of a fruit with similar placentation as observed in the cut section of specimen E.
(iii) Make a drawing 10 cm – 12 cm long of the transverse section and label fully.
(d) Make a transverse section of specimen F and state:
(i) three observable differences;
(ii) three observable similarities between the transverse sections of specimens E and F.

Question 4: 

Study specimens P, Q, R, and S carefully and use them to answer questions 4(a) to 4(d).
(a) (i)

waec biology specimen

The details of the WAEC Biology practical drawings and answers will be made available to you candidates as soon as it is released. Keep following this page and make sure you bookmark this site for reference purposes.


There will be three papers: Papers 1, 2, and 3, all of which must be taken. Papers 1 and 2 will be a composite paper to be taken at one sitting.

PAPER 1: Will consist of fifty multiple-choice objective questions drawn from Section A of the syllabus (the section of the syllabus which is common to all countries). It will carry 50 marks and last for 50 minutes.

PAPER 2: Will consist of six essay questions drawn from the entire syllabus. The paper will be put into three sections, Sections A, B, and C.

Section A: Will consist of four questions drawn from Section A of the syllabus.

Section B: Will be for candidates in Ghana only and will be drawn from Section B of the syllabus (ie the section of the syllabus peculiar to Ghana). It will consist of short-structured questions.

Section C: Will be for candidates in Nigeria, Sierra Leone, The Gambia, and Liberia and will be drawn from Section C of the syllabus (ie the section of the syllabus containing material for those countries only). It will also consist of short-structured questions.

Candidates will be expected to answer two questions from Section A and all the short-structured questions from either Section B or Section C.

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Each question in Section A will carry 20 marks while the compulsory short-structured questions in Sections B and C will carry 30 marks. The total score will be 70 marks. The paper shall take 1 hour 40 minutes.

PAPER 3: Will be a practical test (for school candidates) or a test of practical work (for private candidates) lasting 2 hours and consisting of three sections: Sections A, B, and C.

Section A: This will consist of two compulsory questions drawn from Section A of the syllabus, each carrying 25 marks.

Section B: This will be for candidates in Ghana only. It will consist of one question drawn from Section B of the syllabus and will carry 30 marks.

Section C: This will be for candidates in Nigeria, Sierra Leone, The Gambia, and Liberia. It will consist of one question drawn from Section C of the syllabus and will carry 30 marks.
Candidates will be expected to answer all the questions in Section A and one question in either Section B or C. The paper will carry a total score of 80 marks.

How to pass WAEC Biology Practical


It is obvious that until your mindset is positive, your life will not be positive. As you prepare for WAEC 2023, you must develop a positive mindset towards your fate. Don’t say, “WAEC biology practical is very hard I don’t know whether I will pass” and don’t believe anyone that says you cannot pass WAEC biology on your own.

Have the mentality, “If others passed WAEC 2023 BiologyPractical in the past, then I will be like them. Refuse to be identified with failure or those that failed in the past. Even if this year’s WAEC Exam is not your first time, it doesn’t mean that you cannot pass WAEC 2019 Physics this time around. Sit for maths 2023/2024 will a refined mindset. Nothing will make you fail WAEC 2023. Until your mindset is positive, your life will not be positive.

Subscribing for WAEC Expo is less stressful and less time-consuming.  In order to be part of the successful WAEC candidate, you have to subscribe to the WAEC expo package by clicking here


If you are really serious about passing WAEC 2023 Biology practical, try and avoid bad companies. They will discourage and engage you in activities that will not enhance your success. Remember that their mindset may not correspond to yours.


If you have made up your mind to pass waec 2023, the next thing you should do is set targets. Write down the type of grades you want in Neco 2023. If you want all As, zero Fs, and Zero Es then you should start planning it now. Make sure you create a timetable and master plan to achieve your set goals. Remember, it takes nothing to dream but it takes everything to focus on your dream.


One of your plans should be getting the WAEC 2023 Biology recommended textbooks. Normally, the West African Examination Council recommends books for the examination. But apart from WAEC 2019 literature in English where certain novels are compulsory, you are free to use any good textbook to prepare for WAEC 2023 Biology exam. Some topics are more difficult to understand. If you have any topic you are finding difficult to understand, then get another textbook that will make things simple for you.

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This is a very good plan. Since NECO 2023 and WAEC 2023 are of the same standard, you could use the same past questions to study for both. If you are confused about how to get neco or waec past questions. They are sold in good bookshops around. It is possible that the school where you registered could offer to give you some current past questions that will help you in WAEC 2019 Biology.


Stop wasting your time. Now that you have gotten textbooks and past questions, the next thing is to begin your reading. Early reading and practice is good for you; you will pass well on WAEC 2019 Biology


It is very unfortunate that Secondary school students are fond of skipping exercises and even examples while studying textbooks. They loved notebooks so much that they could ask, “can I read my Physics notebook and pass WAEC ?”. Don’t be scared of attempting exercises; they are there to help you. Face it and overcome it!


This is a good practice. Once in a while, answer full one-year Biology past questions on your own without checking the answers. Then mark to see your score. This will help you in many aspects.


Don’t get discouraged when certain topics are annoying, keep on practicing until you master everything. Never give up and never say never. Keep on keeping on….


Create time for yourself where you play and ease off stresses. Do not overwork yourself; it can make you waste time unnecessarily. One you work more than necessary, you are not gaining anything.

WAEC 2023/2024 Biology Practical Specimens Answers to Questions Page. I hope You are ready to Answer WAEC 2023 Biology Practical questions. There are many peoples equally online googling WAEC Biology Practical questions and answers 2023, WAEC 2023 Agric Science Practical specimen theory answers, WAEC Biology Practical Expo 2023, WAEC 2023 Biology Practical Runz, WAEC Biology Practical Specimens theory and Objectives answers 2023, WAEC 2023 Biology Practical essay answers, keep calm and follow everything we have for you concerning this particular Exams.

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