How To Become A Yahoo Boy [Pros and Cons To Cash Out $30K]

Yahoo Boy

Yahoo Boy

With the present situation of the country, we find ourselves today, a lot of Nigerian boys and girls are actively searching online for cloning apps, smart yahoo boy formats, local business websites, names, requirements, slang, new updates, hustlers free WhatsApp and telegram group link, orientation to learn and do yahoo, cash out and become successful.

This article has been written to enlighten individuals on yahoo meaning, history, dangers, disadvantages, and the latest methods.

The goal of this post isn’t to promote fraud, but to create awareness to avoid one falling victim to scam in and outside Nigeria.

Getting started…

What does Yahoo mean?

Yahoo means internet scam in Nigeria because the pioneers used Yahoo messengers as the social media platform to cash out in the early 2000s.

Nigeria, which is the center of the yahoo scam, popularly uses the number ‘419’, which references the Nigerian Criminal Code that addresses “getting property by false pretenses; cheating”, which deals with fraud.

The Nigerian governments are trying their best to curb the rising cyber fraud using the EFCC to arrest and parade several suspected yahoo boys daily.

In 2020, one of the richest yahoo boys in Nigeria, Raymond Abbas, popularly known as “Hushpuppi,” was arrested in a raid comprising the FBI, Interpol and Dubai police.

What does Yahoo Boy mean?

A yahoo boy also called a “G Boy” is someone that does yahoo scamming.

Becoming a yahoo boy is illegal and not good, as you have to be on the lookout always to avoid getting caught by law enforcement agencies and your financial transactions must also be done anonymously.

Most yahoo boys choose to flaunt their wealth online and in various states and schools in Nigeria, which is the primary reason the crime commission in the country and internationally comes after them.

What is Yahoo Plus in Nigeria?

Yahoo Plus or G-Plus (G+) is an advanced form of yahoo.

The difference between Yahoo and Yahoo plus is the fetish aspect of the business.

From revelations made by some suspects arrested by the Nigerian police this year, yahoo plus costs money and involves supernatural or spiritual backing and comes with side effects including untimely death.

Who is a Client?

A client is a person (who usually stays overseas) that a yahoo boy convinces to send him money, silver, iPhones, gold, etc.

A yahoo boy finds his client using popular platforms such as Facebook, Tinder, Craigslist, and Instagram.

Who is a Picker?

A picker is a person (normally gotten in the USA) that helps yahoo boys receive payment from clients and wire to them their own share.

How Can You Identify a Yahoo Boy?

Nigeria comprises a very wonderful and funny set of people.

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You’d be judged by random things that mean little or nothing in the western world.

As a girl, you will be tagged as a prostitute for wearing beads on your waist or legs and gay for taking care of your skin and outlook if you are a man.

Here are the signs that prove to Nigerians that someone is a Yahoo Boy:

  • You braided, locked, or dyed your hair
  • You wear earrings or ear studs
  • You have tattoos
  • You ride an expensive car
  • You dress nice
  • You use an iPhone
  • You are always seen with your laptop

Pros to Becoming a Successful Yahoo Boy

For one to join yahoo and become successful, these are the basic requirements needed:

  • Intelligence
  • Good Laptop
  • Good Smartphone
  • Steady Internet Connection
  • Excellent Communication Skills
  • VPN
  • Dating Apps
  • Email Bombing App
  • Cloning Apps
  • Google Hangout
  • Google Translate
  • WhatsApp
  • A Picker
  • Bank Drop or Anonymous Wallet
  • Foreign Phone Numbers
  • Foreign Email Addresses
  • Fake Social Media Accounts
  • Grammarly

Yahoo Boy Formats

Yahoo format refers to the yahoo scam used to bill and collects information from a client.

A yahoo script is a guide that is to be followed to know what to send or reply to a target or client so that one can cash out.

A yahoo format determines the tools and yahoo script that is needed to cash out successfully.

Here are the latest formats used by Yahoo boys to collect money:

1. Inheritance Format

This format is one of the oldest yahoo formats, also known as the Prince format.

In this format, a yahoo boy has to convince his client to believe that he is very rich.

The client is promised part of his wealthy family’s inheritance, and the greedy client sends him money to secure his share.

2. Gift-Card Yahoo Format

This scamming format is used by those interested in collecting iTunes gift cards from their client.

3. Dating Yahoo Scam Format

The dating scam format is used by yahoo boys to build a relationship with their client as a lover and later start billing them anyhow they want.

This is also called a romance scam and mostly works on older adults (male, female, transgender, gay) from the age of 39.

Clients are gotten from websites like, eHarmony, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.

4. Classified Yahoo Format

This is a top scam format operated via classified ads.

In this format:

  • The G-guy visit websites where they post classified ads (e.g., Craigslist and eBay) to find clients
  • He finds a new seller
  • Arrange with them to buy their products
  • Agree on the amount to pay (Let’s say $2000)
  • Photoshop a very good cheque
  • Send it to the seller’s address
  • In the cheque, he will overpay the seller (like $4,000), and will then instruct the seller to help transfer the change to charity
  • He gives the seller the number of a picker (the person who will receive payment), and tells him to send it to the person
  • Tells the seller that the “picker” is the person in charge of his charity donations
  • Once the picker receives the money, the picker sends down his cut immediately
  • He collects the money and enjoys his life
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5. Bitcoin Yahoo Format

This is a simple scam format yahoo guys are now using to cash out easily.

In this format, a client is not needed to be convinced physically and money is always paid in Bitcoin, not even dollars.

Also, a picker is not needed here.

The steps include:

  • The G-guy finds a good web designer to help him design a good bitcoin website
  • Fill up the website with excellent posts
  • Starts advertising the website for people to invest in the website
  • Once anybody invests, he deletes and blocks the person from the website

6. Instagram Flipping

The steps include:

  • The G-guy hacks someone’s Instagram account with a good number of friends or followers
  • Then post good news with the person’s account of how he invested $1000 and got $3,000 in 1 hour
  • Some of the victim’s friends contacts him
  • He convinces them that the flipping is real by posting fake testimonial and proofs
  • Some friends pay $1000 to invest for a start
  • Immediately they pay, he blocks them and deletes their username

7. Grant Lotto Format

This format usually involves finding and telling clients (who are core gamblers) that they have won $5 million or more from Lotto, and all that is required to claim their winning is to provide their account number for instant payment.

The aim of collecting their account number is to use some Blackhat methods to siphon money from their banks.

8. Blackmail Format

Blackmail format includes sexual blackmail, emotional blackmail, and defamation.

Sexual blackmail is when a client’s nude is collected and threatens to be leaked online and the client now agrees to send money to avoid shame.

Emotional blackmail is when a yahoo boy makes a client love him dearly and, later, he threatens to end the relationship. The client who is now vulnerable in love would do anything desperately to save the relationship, including sending money to make him happy.

Defamation blackmail is when lies are made up about a client. For example, a yahoo boy can plan false convincing evidence and tell a client that he/she will be reported for a crime they did not commit unless they pay some money. When they pay, money is cashed out.

9. Credit Card Format

This yahoo format involves the collection of credit card details, also known as CC, from a client. Afterwards, the card details are used to shop online without OTP or sold on the dark web.

10. Cash App

In this format, a client is made to send funds to a Cash App account for a fake service or product offering, and gets blocked after money is received.

11. Grant Billing

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In this format, a client is made to think that the government is giving grants to people.

This yahoo format is used to collect SSN, gift card and bank account details.

12. Spiritual Master

The spiritual master format is when one pretends to be a spiritual master or pastor for someone, gains their trust for having spiritual powers and starts collecting money from them.

13. Hospital Format

In this format, one gets to make friends with a client, and after a few weeks or months, tells the client to send money that he is sick, having surgery or had an accident.

Pictures are also sent to the client to make the lies look real.

14. Sugar Mummy/Daddy Catfish

In this format, a yahoo boy pretends to be a sugar baby to cash out.

This format is like the dating format, except that the client here thinks they are a sugar mummy or sugar daddy.

Here, several naked pictures are sent to a rich lover who can be male, female, hermaphrodite, transgender or gay.

With these formats, yahoo boys receive payment easily via western union, PayPal account and a picker.


The peer pressure and hardship in the country influences the secret and life of a Yahoo boy.

I know things are hard; the country is difficult and unbearable for many youths.

Notwithstanding, there are so many things you can do online if you have a laptop and an internet connection apart from becoming a Yahoo boy.

The internet you are using wrongly searching for how to become a yahoo boy is also the same internet you can use to make money online legitimately.

I have written these resourceful articles below to enable you to make money online legitimately this month:

I bet you, before another person who becomes a Yahoo boy makes $1 online, you must have made several hundred dollars using the legit means above. And your mind will be at peace.

Still having any doubts! Let me explain further why you shouldn’t choose to become a Yahoo boy.

Cons You Shouldn’t Become a Yahoo Boy

Here are the cons of being a yahoo boy:

  • The risks are a lot higher in recent times.
  • You won’t have peace of mind.
  • You won’t spend the money well.
  • You lose trust among your friends and society.
  • You live in fear of both the law enforcement agencies and the forces you might have invited to help you in the ritual.
  • You become lonely and try to appear busy in the social media world.
  • You lose your sleep.
  • You spoil the reputation of the entire nation in the international world.
  • Death in extreme cases, maybe from rival groups or agreement with the Deities.


There’s this stigma Nigerians are now facing in the international world as people believe every successfully young Nigerian is a Yahoo boy.

So, we have to change the narration from fraud to a legitimate source of income.

It is time to make our parents and community proud.

Let us join our hands together and improve our society.

Stay blessed!

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