UNIABUJA Post UTME Past Questions and Answers 2020/2021 in PDF Now Available

Do you need the complete pack of the UNIVERSITY OF ABUJA, UNIABUJA post-UTME past questions and answers PDF to prepare for the forthcoming exam? Now, sip your coffee and relax because we at Funloaded have compiled the best post-UTME past questions and answers PDF for UNIABUJA that will help you prepare for your post JAMB examination, otherwise known as the screening test or aptitude test.

Continue reading to learn how to download the UNIABUJA post-UTME past questions and answers PDF Premium versions instantly. Believe me, it’s pretty straightforward.

The University of Abuja, Gwagwalada (UNIABUJA) aspirants who have passed the UNIABUJA Departmental Cut Off Mark requirement of 200 and above in the just concluded JAMB examination can further use UNIABUJA post UTME past questions to achieve success on the forthcoming post UTME examination.

Download UNIABUJA Post UTME Past Questions in PDF Format Now.

This article will cover the following:

  1. Why you possibly might have chosen the University of Abuja, Gwagwalada (UNIABUJA) as your school of choice
  2. Reasons why you need UNIABUJA Post UTME Past Questions and Answers pdf
  3. Key features of UNIABUJA Post UTME Past Questions

Relax and let’s get you well informed!!!


Established on January 1, 1988, the University of Abuja, popularly known as Uniabuja is a tertiary institution in the Nigerian capital Abuja.

The UofA of Nigeria was created as a dual-mode university with the mandate to run conventional and distance learning programmes. It offers an outstanding variety of in-demand undergraduate and graduate programs, distance learning programs, pre-science(remedial) programs, and Institute of Education(Sandwich) programs.

With several faculties, departments, and academic units, Uniabuja is committed to developing an institution of higher learning that combines academic excellence with the pursuit of the unity of Nigeria.


University of Abuja, Gwagwalada Post UTME Past Questions and Answers are the questions that have been set over the years for admission of students into the university after their success in JAMB.

It is a collection of questions from each year since the inception or start of the POST UTME in the University of Abuja, Gwagwalada.

However, we have been able to gather UNIABUJA post UTME past questions this in order to help prospective students into UNIABUJA.

Once you Purchase our POST UTME past questions we will follow you up with tips and essential updates in other to make sure you get admission into the University of Abuja, Gwagwalada with ease.

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Reasons Why You Need UNIABUJA Post UTME Past Questions

Some students may ask, why search for UNIABUJA Post UTME Past Questions and Answers when I had a very high score in the JAMB Exams? Getting the UNIABUJA Past Questions and Answers, gives you a glimpse of how the Post UTME exam is like and also to know the UNIABUJA Post UTME Syllabus.

– HIGHLY COMPETITIVE: UNIABUJA is a recognized University in Nigeria. As such, a huge number of students apply to study in this Institution each year.

Each year, a minimum of 50,000 students seek admission into UNIABUJA but just a few gains admission. This is enough reason for you to get the UNIABUJA Post UTME Past Questions and Answers.

As we know UNIABUJA is competitive both in terms of their academics and also their admission process. So, do not seat on your buttocks, thinking that your 200+ score in JAMB will get you admission into the Institution.

To stand a better chance, you need to start preparing for UNIABUJA Post UTME screening right now without delay.

You can do these by studying the UNIABUJA Post UTME Past Questions and Answers in PDF, to help you prepare for the Post UTME Examination. You will get familiar with the questions and understand the area of concentration for your exams.

– NO JAMB SCORE GUARANTEED: Sad to say, a good number of students who scored high in the JAMB examination might not gain admission.


Reasons being that admission into any University in Nigeria is not guaranteed by JAMB Scores alone, but with the combination of your WAEC Result, JAMB Score, and the University Post UTME Exam. These three forms the basis for admission.

The requirement in the University of Abuja, Gwagwalada (UNIABUJA), is that any candidate that will be considered for admission into the University must have scored 200 in JAMB and at least 50% in the Post-UTME before the JAMB and Post UTME score of the person will be added to check if the person has passed the cut-off mark for the course of choice.

So, for those students that had a high JAMB score, they must also hit a high score of 80% in the Post UTME to stand on a higher ground to be considered for admission.

Meanwhile, for those who had a low JAMB score, what is their fate? They can still increase the chances of gaining admission into University by studying extra hard using UNIABUJA Post UTME Past Questions and Answers.

Key Features of UNIABUJA Post UTME Past Questions

– No of Pages: 31 or above
– From 2010 – 2019 – Past Questions and Answers
– For All Courses (Post UTME Subjects).

Sample Screening Past Questions and Answers

Choose the option nearest in meaning to the word(s) or phrase in italics. The correct answers are the ones in Bold.

1.            The man was able to persuade his willful and obstinate daughter to follow the career he chose for her.

(A)          intelligent but arrogant
(B)          hardworking and intelligent
(C)          unyielding and obdurate
(D)          obscure and odious.

2.            That punch by the young boxer proved to be fatal.

(A)          effective
(B)          belated
(C)          hard
(D)          deadly

3.            The boy was told that lie would need several more pints of blood if he was to survive.

(A)          plenty
(B)          much
(C)          many
(D)          some

4.            In spite of her grim situation, the young widow smiled dutifully at the visitor’s pleasantries

(A)          unkind comments
(B)          sad stories
(C)          condolence messages
(D)          jocular remarks.

5.            The presence of the security men in the area will provide a moment of respite for the residents.

(A)          enduring reprieve
(B)          temporary relief
(C)          lasting security
(D)          soothing relaxation.

Select the right answers for the following questions.

6.            Mr Tola needs a book and a calculator that cost ₦70 each. If he buys the book instead of the calculator, the opportunity cost of his choice is:

(A)         ₦70
(B)        ₦140
(C)          calculator
(D)          Book

7.            The meaning of scale of preference is:

(A)          a list of consumers wants, arranged in order of importance
(B)          the preparation of a list of goods and services that satisfy wants
(C)          the consumer budget
(D)          the consumer preference for cheap goods

8.            The knowledge of Economics enables an individual to:

(A)          be careful in the spending of his income
(B)          derive maximum satisfaction from the use of his resources 
(C)          be investment conscious
(D)          avoid the purchase of harmful goods

9.            If you do not have to make any sacrifice in order to get a particular thing then its real cost is:

(A)          its price
(B)          zero
(C)          infinite
(D)          one

10.          Which of the following defines Economics most comprehensively?

(A)          Organization of industries and services to produce utility
(B)          Study of human behaviour in the allocation of scarce resources
(C)          Buying and selling of goods and services
(D)          Study of economic agents in the allocation of goods and services

11.          The first elected Executive President of Nigeria was

(A)          Sheu Shagari
(B)          Umaru Yaradua
(C)          Nnamdi Azikiwe
(D)          Olusegun Obasanjo

12.          Nigeria became a federation of 19 states in

(A)          1996
(B)          1861
(C)          1976
(D)          1979

13.          Under the 1979 Constitution, members of the Federal Executive Council were called

(A)          ministers
(B)          commissioners
(C)          senators
(D)          judges

14.          All the following were frontline fighters for Nigeria’s independence except

(A)          Olu Fale
(B)          Nnamdi Azikiwe
(C)          Obafemi Awolowo
(D)          Tafawa Balewa

15.          In a unitary system of government

(A)          parliament is very weak
(B)          there is a high degree of centralization
(C)          political power is diffused
(D)          there is a low degree of centralization

16.           Without using table, evaluate (243)⅕ * (0.09)-1 * 125-⅔

(A)         4              
(B)          ¾             
(C)          3              
(D)          4/3        

17.          Three consecutive positive integers a, b and c are such that b2 = 4(a +c).               Find the value of c

(A)          6              
(B)          3              
(C)          9              
(D)          5

18.          Find the principal which amount to ₦4,400 at simple interest in 5years at 2% per annum.

(A)          ₦3,800
(B)          ₦5.200
(C)          ₦5,000
(D)          4,000

19.          The sum of the first 20 terms of progression 3, 6, 12, … is

(A)          3(221 – 1)
(B)          3(220 – 1)
(C)          3(220 + 1)
(D)          3(221 + 1)

20.          Mr Robson bought bags of orange for ₦ 2,500 each. He sold them for ₦90,000 at a loss of 20%.  How many bags of orange did he buy?

(A)          60
(B)          80
(C)          50
(D)          45

How to Get UNIABUJA Post UTME Past Questions

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  1. Payment to the following bank account sent to your SMS or Whatsapp Number, either by bank deposits slip or online transfer
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Also Read:  2020/2021 N-power Portal Login Guidelines Updates

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Successes as you get into the exams hall and come out smiling with excellence.

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DISCLAIMER! The Content on this page is solely written to meet the needs and to guide aspirants of the University of Abuja, Gwagwalada (UNIABUJA).

This article was written on good intentions and does not mean to cause any disturbances. If you feel any infringement of content or copyright, please kindly contact us privately.

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