10 Great Significance Fact About American Educational System

10 Great Significance Fact About the American Educational System.

Fact About American Educational System: Every country has keyed into the educational sector and have found it worth operating since it is an important sector every country should take part in which would afterwards grow the country.

The united state is not an exception to this as they have set standards to operate the educational system of the country.

Educational System

The structure of the educational system varies from nations and also occasionally within the nation. The American educational system offers a rich field of choices for its students. The educational system helps in the smooth running of the educational sector in a country. The Americans have their educational system as well and we would be arraying important facts about the American Educational system.

Facts About the American Educational System

There is a certain fact about the American Educational System, these facts range from the grading system to the terms and school hours, to flexibility and a lot more, the united state spends a lot and takes its educational system very relevant than any other country.

1. Grade placement.

Grade placement in the American educational system ranges from the A-F grading scale which is petty standard.  Every letter in the American grading system tells of how well and how poor each student have done and they are percentages attached to these letters

. A– is the highest grade a student can receive and attain and it ranges from 90% and to100%

. B – is still pretty better, and above the average score and it ranges from 80% to 89%.

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. C – is a middle grade, and also below average and it ranges from 70% to 79%

. D – Is still passing grade but very far from an average student and it ranges from 56% to 69%

. F – Is a failing grade and an indication that such a student has to study harder than before.

The American grading point operates with the Grade Point Average (GPA), the grade point average shows the kind of student one is. The GPA is equally used to apply for scholarships, joining clubs and transferring into other schools. The GPA needs a lot of precaution to calculate. They are no E in the American grading system.

2. Government Involvement:

The American state and national government share power when it comes to education with the state most of the control. The American federal government enforces its control through the American departments of education.

The report has it that the united state is among the first place when it comes to countries that spend annually per student especially on its public schools.

There are certain figures for education spending in the American education system. At the college level, the funding of students at the level is split into half, and the half split is managed by the Department of Education directly and the other managed by commercial entities.

3. The American Curriculum.

Just like every other curriculum standards, the American curriculum is based on a high standard in all subjects. The American curriculum is accredited by renowned groups such as the council of International School and New England Association of schools and colleges. The American curriculum has key various features, features such as

The American curriculum is offered by American schools worldwide,

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The system is broad, balanced and student favorable and centered.

The system has a standardized test that has been benchmarked by the American international schools around the world.

4. Testing and Examination.

The system operates in SAT and some advanced tests for their university admission and the system is recognized by the US and Canadian universities.

The lower grades of elementary school which is the kindergarten advocates for a bit play and social interaction as a child begins to learn letters numbers and read. Tests are given at the last week of the course of study as the types of examinations vary from one level to another.

5. The Structure of Education.

Before high school, American students are supposed to have attended a primary and secondary school for a total of 12 years and these years are referred to as the first through twelfth grades.

At the age of six the American children begins primary school which is usually called elementary school which spans for five or six years and then leave for secondary school. The secondary section consists of two programs, the middle school, and high school. Certificates are usually awarded after the high school session (12th grade). The American student may go to college or university.

6. Flexibility.

The American educational system allow for flexibility of study and choice of course especially at the college level. Students who are limited from the school location have an avenue to study from home as preparations for home school has been made and courses and as well as subjects allocated to the student.

7. Academic Year.

The American school calendar usually runs from mid- August to mid- September and to anywhere from mid-may to mid- June at schools and higher education institutes. There is always a one to three weeks break that encompasses the Christmas and New Year holiday which is always called winter break.

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The program in higher education is sequenced into different models. The semester system divides the academic year into halve called semester which is often 15 or 16 weeks long. This system is called the semester system.

On the other hand, the quarter system divides the academic year into three divisions called quarters typically for 10 weeks with the fourth which is often an option and it is usually an optional quarter. Winter break is usually between fall and winter quarter, and spring break is between winter and spring quarters.

8. Home Schooling.

Homeschooling is legally recognized and regulated by the state. In most cases the parents do the teaching but most often a tutor is hired to do so. There are several reasons for homeschooling in America, reasons which could be for safety, or quality of the social environment of the local public schools.

9. Mode of Academic Assessments.

The American education system measures and asses the performance of its students from the graduation rate of each year.

10. Hours and Time for School.

In most parts of America, the school attendance is just for five days of the week, from Monday to Friday, nine months of the year. And a full school day is usually 7-8 hours including a break for lunch and excluding extracurricular activities.

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