WAEC CASS Capturing System 2023 Latest Update

WAEC CASS Capturing System

WAEC CASS Capturing System

West African Examinations Council (WAEC) Continuous Assessment Score (CASS) Capturing System, Brief Overview, Error Corrections / Amendment Fee, Instructions, Guidelines, and Deadline for all School Candidates and Schools.

It is no longer news to all Approved West African Examinations Council (WAEC) Schools, Principals, Proprietors, and Proprietress that they are mandated to upload their student’s Continuous Assessment Score (CASS) before registering for them the WASSCE for School Candidates’ Examinations.

The West African Examination Council (WAEC) had earlier directed all approved schools to register their Senior Secondary School Students at the conclusion of their SS 1 class and also upload their Continuous Assessment scores for each subject on the WAEC CASS Platform.

This exercise is to be repeated at the conclusion of their SS2 class and finally, their SS3 CASS, before the West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) commences for that year.

NB: This process is expected to continue for every school candidate that completes the S.S.1 class.

Any unregistered candidate at S.S.1 will be ineligible to write the scheduled exams for that set when due.

About the West African Examination Council (WAEC)

The West African Examinations Council (WAEC) is an examination board established by law in 1952 to determine the examinations required in the public interest in English-speaking West African countries.


It also conducts examinations and awards certificates comparable to those of equivalent examining authorities internationally. The council has contributed to education in the Anglophonic countries of West Africa.

They also formed an endowment fund to contribute to education in West Africa, through lectures and aid to those who cannot afford education.

WAEC’s vision is to be a world-class examining body that adds value to its stakeholders’ educational goals. Its mission is to remain Africa’s foremost examining body, providing qualitative and reliable educational assessmentREAD MORE


The WAEC CASS Portal (The West African Examinations Council) be accessed via the links below:



West African Examinations Council (WAEC) Continuous Assessment Score (CASS) Brief Overview | All You Need to Know

CASS forms 30 percent of student grades in the West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) for School Candidates. The capturing starts from SS1 but the CASS used to compute the total score for the terminal examination is the one recorded at SS3.

This simply implies that all students in SS1 and SS2 classes in your school will have to be registered in the WAEC CASS software. This software will allow uploading the scores of your student in their examinations right from SS1.


  1.  The implication of this is that if a student isn’t captured in SS1 this year, he or she may have to won’t be able to write WASSCE for School Candidates Exam formerly known as the WAEC May/ June, in 2023.
  2. This possesses a lot of benefits to private schools as you now have a hold on your students. What do I mean? you will generate CASS pin for each student, which advice should be kept by the school as this is the most important WAEC registration data when the student gets to SS3. If you have captured a student in your school in SS1, the student definitely needs your consent and permission before such can be withdrawn to write the exams in another school. Hence, once captured, such students can’t be registered in another school for internal exams. I do hope you understand this better.
  3. Students won’t take internal examinations lightly as they form 30% of their WAEC scores
  4. All schools need to keep proper records of the examination scores of their students in case your school is selected for audit.
  5. All schools should have at least a laptop, a fingerprint scanner, and a webcam for registration.
  6. This is available for only WAEC Approved schools.
Also Read:  WAEC Data Processing Midnight 2024 Question and Answer is Out

West African Examinations Council (WAEC) Continuous Assessment Score (CASS) Capturing System

  1. The new system will commence from SS1 where all the subjects offered by the students would be uploaded along with their respective CASS. During registration, the personal bio-data and images of each student will be uploaded.
  2. After registration at this level (SS 1), each candidate will be issued with a CASS reference number which would be used to track the progress throughout the Senior Secondary classes till registration of WASSCE.
  3. The CRN remains tied to each candidate regardless of transfer from one school to another.
  4. The CRN must be provided before candidates would be eligible for WASSCE registration.
  5. Each student is expected to enroll for a minimum of eight and a maximum of twenty subjects in SS1 with a maximum of nine subjects while uploading SS3 CASS.
  6. SS1 and SS2 CASS should be uploaded at the end of the promotion examinations for each year and not later than August 31 of each year;
  7. SS3 CASS should be uploaded along with the WASSCE registration. No school would be allowed to register candidates for WASSCE without CASS Reference Number issued to the candidates in SS1.
  8. Schools seeking recognition should apply for such when their students are in SSS1 in order to obtain the CASS Reference Number for WASSCE registration or move their students to a WAEC-recognized school ahead of the examination for the acquisition of the CASS Reference Numbers.
  9. CASS entry sheet pro forma are available for download from the CASS online site: https://waecinternational.org/cass to serve as a guide to help gather students’ data for subsequent capture on the CASS offline or online system.
  10. The prerequisites and installation file for waec cass offline as well as the user manual can also be downloaded from the site.
Also Read:  WAEC Non-Appearance/Special Centre Registration Form 2023 is Out

RECOMMENDED: WAEC CASS Offline Software Download [Latest Version].

The online site would be opened for uploading in June and closes on August 31st each year.

Each school should ensure that this target date is achieved as an inability to upload within this time frame may disqualify the candidates from registering for WASSCE.

West African Examinations Council (WAEC) Continuous Assessment Score (CASS) Amendment / Correction of Entries Fees 2023

Latest Update: This is to bring to the attention of school principals that amendment of errors on entries is N5,000 PER CANDIDATE. For the avoidance of doubt, amendments are being made on per candidate basis and not on per error basis.

Please be guided accordingly.

WAEC CASS Capturing System

This is to inform Schools that fees for amendment on CASS are now N5000 per candidate. Please Note the following details below;

  1. Errors in Surname, first name and other name means that number of errors is three (3) and the cost is N5,000
  2. Swapping of names is now N5000, for instance, Ciroma Chukuma Adekunle can be swapped to Adekunle Ciroma Chukuma at a fee of N5000.
  3. Please note that Swapping of names should not lead to complete change/substitution of full name.
  4. The name may be added at a fee of N5000.
  5. The subject amendment is now N5000.
  6. All other requests for amendment of CASS such as date of birth and gender e.t.c also cost N5000 each.
  7. Interested Schools should download and complete the amendment form via https://waecinternational.org/cass to effect payment at the Account Section, WAEC, Ojo.


Not Specified.

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